Tuesday, June 25, 2013


hello america!!! if i were to tell you that passage of the immigration reform bill would offer 12 1/2 million 'illegal aliens' a path to citizenship, most of you would be happy & let it go at that. however, did you know the department of homeland security estimates that for every one person caught sneaking into our country, 2-3 are never caught. well, if you can believe the figures, that's alarming in its own however, i believe the figure is somewhere between 3 & 6........after all, who in the hell can stand in front of me & prove me wrong? it's not like these people sneak into our country & register at the 'illegal alien gov't department sign-up office'.

this bill does not seem to have the power to prevent others from illegally entering our country to pursue 'citizenship' or just to get a work-visa. it does not prevent those that receive 'citizenship' from later on sending for their relatives to come live with them.

this bill does not 'fix-the-borders-first' & if we don't do it first, history has taught us very well that they won't ever get fixed. yes, we might be promised more drones, fencing, man-power & cameras however, exactly how much money has been allocated for all of it? i need to know what the exact figure is & when will it be 'doled' out.

as much as obama wants this bill to become the law of the land, if he were just 1/2 the man he would like us to think he is, he would veto it because of the pork that's in it. yes good people, this bill has a lot of pork in it that has nothing to do with immigration or border security. as usual, the certain 'pork projects' were added to BUY the votes of certain senators (i thought obama was going to stop this practice)...but, why believe me, click on the following links & become informed...http://www.examiner.com/article/pork-fat-adds-to-weight-of-immigration-bill


this was buried on the 5th page of google....http://video.msnbc.msn.com/all-in-/52301709#52301709



i've long been telling you, i don't make this stuff up. the bill, 1,000 plus pages, is not even close to being ideal for our country &, if it passes the full senate, i hope it gets shot down in the house. that said, yes, we have to address immigration however, we need to do so in a more responsible way &, more importantly, we need to do so in a way that will not further hurt the unemployed citizens of our own country &, in case you missed it, all of the 'extra visas' do just that.

i honestly hope you had the time to click on the links i've provided &, i also hope you ask yourself this: how did our gov't come up with the figure 11 or 12 1/2 million illegal aliens??? who, in the gov't can honestly say that the figure won't end up being 20 million???? &, if their figure is accurate, doesn't that mean they should have been deported within the last 4 1/2 years or, was obama, once again, just going through the motions???

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