Friday, June 7, 2013


hello america!!! the unemployment rate was recently released saying we put 175,000 new people to work for the month of may 2013...while obama & company will try to tell you that this is a good sign, i'm here to tell you it's not &, the reasoning is this::::i can count & my math is 'dead on'. here is the 'break-down' for the 'new jobless claims' month of may 2013:::::::::::
may   4th---328,00 (april 28, 29 &, 30th are included in this week)
may 11th---363,000
may 18th---344,000
may 25th---357,000
jun     1st---346,000
                  1,738,000 new jobless claims just for the month of may 2013-------how in the hell can you spin the numbers in the positive? look at reality & tell me that for every new job created in may, 10 jobs were lost &, that's a good thing????

good people, i don't make these numbers up---they come from our very own labor department...just look up jobless claims for may 2013 & go from there. do not be surprised when you see a pattern of higher losses verses lower gains during the obama admin................nor should you be surprised that obama 'sugar coated' the numbers in his favor...........

i mistakenly used the term 'sugar coated' to be nice however, in reality, obama has been lying to us about the 'jobs numbers' since day one &, the extremely bad thing about it is: the liberal media know it & won't even mention it---but hey, i'm here to tell you the truth as i see it---------obama has been so quick to tell you about all the jobs that have been 'created' on his watch &, in part, i agree with him however, what everybody seems to have missed is: he only counts jobs after his first 15-18 months in office. HE DOES NOT COUNT THE JOBS LOST 0R GAINED IN THAT SAME TIME PERIOD. all you have to do is look up his statements & you'll also wonder why he was never challenged on his 'fuzzy math'...........


  1. This would be lmao if it weren't so true.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. So tired of hearing yah we have a black president now get current with some current affairs then see how happy you are with are president.

    1. Another simple response from a poorly educated colorblind fool. Btw, he's only half black. Smh

  4. has nothing to do with obama being black-it all boils down to inability to do what's right for our country. his policies are hurting us all across the board. it's hard to include him in current affairs because he knows nothing about them nor do the department heads.
