Sunday, June 10, 2018


hello america!!! let's get right to it---the dems, people of all colors (especially black people), main-street media, big-named celebrities & all the many various 'anti-trump' groups need to sit back & actually understand just how good donald trump is for our country & the world...

the trumpster's motto of 'america first' is something we should all rally around because his actions have backed it up---regardless of how far back in history you want to go, all the presidents prior to trump talked about our 'trades deficit problems', our 'north korea problems', our 'illegal immigration problems', our 'middle-east problems', our 'iran problems', our 'military-might problems', our 'moving our embassy to jerusalem problems', our 'united nations probelms', our 'aiding foreign country's & our allies without getting repaid problems', our 'nato country's not paying their promised share for military spending problems'---hey, you want me to continue or, can you actually understand where i'm coming from???

the trumpster is addressing all of those issues for our betterment &, he's boldly doing that in the face of quite a lot of opposition to include, opposition from within his own party (we call them rino's) & hey, we need to vote those idiots out the first chance we get...

give some thought to this---if the trumpster were to get any of the countries to 'equalize trades deals', who benefits from that??? the left (that's everybody named in my first paragraph & than some) don't have a clue & yet, they'll tell you how bad any changes are for our nation---look, honest math is the truth & hey, if you'll babysit my 6 year old for 8 hours at $3.00 per hour while i babysit your 6 year old for $12.00 per hour, i can only wonder how long you'll employ me---FOR ALL OF YOU STUPID PEOPLE (OF WHICH THERE ARE FAR TOO MANY), we have trades deals deficits simply because we are paying far too much to export than to import---can you understand that??? REALLY??? any progress trump can make on making 'fairer trades deals' is a win-win for all americans...

north korea has been a problem for decades &, for whatever reason, none of the presidents prior to trump, had the backbone to actually tackle the problem---none of them even got close to sitting down with nk's leader which trump is scheduled to do in singapore on the 12th---trump is all-about the denuclearization of north korea & his actions & rhetoric prove it---while anything may or may not happen, this meeting is history in the positive sense &, we should all be rallying around it---hell, the whole world should be rallying around it because nk denuclearization is good for the whole world...

illegal immigration has got to stop---presidents have always campaigned on stopping it & once they were elected, did extremely little &/or nothing at all to stem the flow of them in to our country---trump is hell-bent on stopping it &, the resistance from the left is incredible---hell, just the cost of caring for illegal immigrants should be enough for all americans to want it to stop &, although you should do your own homework, take the time to CHECK THIS LINK OUT---you should be asking yourself this:::why should you have to pay for somebody's welfare after they break our laws to get here??? let me break into your home & see what happens---the other problems that come from this issue are, we are not getting their best & brightest &, crime does come with them (no, not all of them)---the trumpster wants to stop it & all of us should strongly support him...

the middle-east has been a thorn for all presidents prior to trump &, i strongly believe that the biggest difference between them & him is, he has 'uncuffed' our military & will use them to their fullest abilities & hey, the world is witnessing his will---in truth, i don't think the problems of the middle-east will ever be solved by 'outsiders', it will have to come from within the people of the middle-east but, trump is determined to contain their problems to within their borders & hey, if trump is just halfway successful, the whole world stands to benefit...

iran has become a power-house &, up to now, we have coddled to them---hell, obama went out of his way to kiss their ass while trump wants to put his foot where obamas lips were---a nuclear iran would probably destroy israel the first chance they got but, the trumpster is extremely adamant about them never having nukes---who, in their right mind can argue with that??? iran has vowed to destroy us & others & yet, we have many on the left that support them only because of their 'never-trump' stupidity---we should be doing all we can to stop iran from gaining nukes &, we have to shut down all of their terrorist training programs...

trump is all for our military not only being the very best but also having the very best---our military has suffered because of willful political neglect for years & the trumpster has all but turned that around---by trying to fully restore our military to greatness, trump is sending a message to all that would oppose us that we will not be messed with therefore, ensuring that we will not be invaded nor will our allies...

no other president had the balls to move our embassy to jerusalem but the trumpster & yet, they all talked about doing so---trump promised he'd do it & he did &, while so many on the left opposed him, they willingly fail to remember that congress passed the jerusalem embassy act in 1995 for the embassy to be moved to jerusalem & now, they want to bitch about it---we should all support trump & his actions...

the united nations isn't what it once was &, if they don't shape up & support us, they should move to another country & we should withdraw from it---hell, the left is bitching about trump & russia collusion & yet, where is the united nations enforcing their might in crimea??? in africa??? in the middle-east??? they have become a weakened shadow of what they once were & i support trump if he decides to kick them out of our country...

we do so much for other countries without receiving any compensation & hey, that means our tax payers are footing that bill without even being asked---but, don't get me wrong, in times of natural disasters, we should all respond with an open heart & open hand & yes, i can see no compensation for that---it's the other aid & services we provide that we should be paid for so yes, i'm in support of the trumpster demanding that those receiving that aid & services pay their fair share & the hell with all those that don't feel as i do...

simply put, if the nato alliance (28 country's) agreed to pay 2% of it's gdp for military defense, the trumpster is 100% correct in demanding that they honor it---we are paying approx 22% & hey, we're not getting any bang for our buck because we're bailing others out that could meet their financial commitment---those on the left would have you think the whole world is in danger of falling apart because of trumps demand but, as usual, they're 100% wrong---the more other nato members pay means less that our taxpayers have to pay...

to all of those that oppose the trumpster for his foreign policy, please answer me this:::if trump is so wrong, why are we in the position we're in??? if your policies in the past didn't work, why in the hell would you want to continue applying them now???

america, the trumpster is putting america first & if you have a problem with that, pack your bags & find another country because putting america first is a tremendous win/win for all americans...

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