Saturday, June 2, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation.........       i draw your attention to all of it because it's not good...i expect this month to be worse then may...a lot of people out there that have jobs now, won't have them come june 30th. i also want to draw your attention to the article about's the link........

gm took a lot of bailout money; they will never ever fully repay us; obama fired their old ceo; they went through an obama 'sponsored' bankruptcy; obama has been touting his bailout of them as a success; as evidenced by the article, gm is still having problems & the majority of them are union contract related.........what strikes me as ironic is, it took them all this time to do something similar to what ford did, &, ford walked away from the bailout table. which brings me to this:::obama should not have bailed gm or chrysler out. all he did was postpone what has to happen with every unionized company in america...the contracts have to be reworked: the healthcare costs are hurting the company's &, if their product sales aren't steadily increasing, the retirement packages are unsustainable...

obamas past plans to help our economy was to financially support teacher's, firemen &, police &, i'm here to tell you it didn't work. obamas future plan to help our economy is the same &, it won't work. let me say this: we need all 3 of those professions in our society, however, we can't continue to bail them out. their contracts have to be rewritten: they need to concede more at the talk-tables. they need to pay their own full share for healthcare & retirement packages:::::& more so in these dire times...if they don't make the concessions, this is what happens.....see here....

that article reflects what is really going on in this country. with more & more people out of work, our government collects less taxes &, less taxes effects this whole country.

so obama, instead of running around the country telling people that congress needs to work on your 'to do list', why don't you tell them about those repub house passed jobs bills that your dem senate won't even bring to the floor. &, tell the american people the truth; you failed & your plans for our future don't offer any 'HOPE' or 'CHANGE'..........

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