Friday, September 10, 2010


hello america! obama is on foxnews tv as i write this---9/10/10-11:15am/est. i am so tired of him blaming the repubs & pres bush for the past decade of america's economic problems. he wants you to believe that he & the dems are the right ones to right the ship & that they had nothing to do with the ships sinking. this is just another example of 'pureobamacrap'.

america, i dearly love you & wish us the very best of everything but...please open your eyes & do your own homework. i recently wrote this before & now i have to write it again:::these are the facts & they are documented...

1. obama & others sued citi group (jul 1994-may 1998) to force them to issue loans to people that were not credit worthy (cra/redlining)---subprime loans
2. obama was elected to the us senate nov 2004 & served from jan 2005-nov 2008
3. pres bush appealed to congress 17 different times for stronger regulatory measures against fannie & freddie from feb 2004-jun 2008 (BEAR IN MIND THAT PRES BUSH STARTED APPEALING TO CONGRESS FOR THIS REFORM IN APR 2001)

now, you obama supporters may ask what does the above have to do with todays problems. & i'm happy to say i have the answer since you apparently cannot make the tie-in. but first; had you of done your own homework on obama prior to your voting for him &, had you not been persuaded by the pro-obama biased newsnetworks, we would not be having this discussion.

1a. as a seated member of our us senate, obama was present for 17 of 24 requests from pres bush calling for stronger regulatory measures against fannie & freddie & he, & others, did nothing. obama & our congress (repubs had control) had a great opportunity to prevent what happened to our economy & yet, pres bush's warnings/requests fell on deaf ears. in fact, it was the dems 'big 3' that shot it down along with the repubs. oh yeah, the 'big 3' were & still are: chris dodd, harry reid & man-lover, barney franks. if you had of done your home work, you'd have been surprised to find the tie-in with fannie & freddie.

2a. from jan 2005-nov 2008, as a seated member of our us senate, what did obama do for the good of this country? yeah, i know, you're thinking.

3a. in jul 2008, congress finally passed legislation for controlling fannie & freddie---we now know it was too little & way too late because the dominoes had started to fall, everyone started blaming pres bush for the housing market crash & all the rest of the economic problems that follow.

so yes, i find it extremely troubling that obama still blames pres bush when he was in a prime position to heed pres bush's warnings. perhaps this is why obama doesn't like pres bush because he could have helped america way back then & didn't & now has to live the rest of his life to weak to accept the fact that he did nothing.

pres clinton & congress eased the way for groups like acorn to sue banks like citigroup to force them to give out loans to people that really could not afford them. acorn used obama & other lawyers to carry out their civil suits...obama, can you remember this or is somebody else at fault? you & others like you hurt this country with your liberal views & actions &, instead of manning up, you blame pres bush. these are the actions of a coward, not a leader. but that's to be expected from you---you never led anything in the past:::you were always just part of the 'group'.

obama, being the type of man you are, you blame the repubs for holding up some of your bills & yet, you & the dems have the majority in both chambers. we all know that you can pass any bill you want without the aid of the repubs. as usual, you put the blame where it does not belong.

obama, you have to take ownership for your failures. we both know you failed to heed pres bush's warnings , yet you blame him...your 'cash-for-clunkers' failed::your almost 8 billion dollar stimulus has failed::your healthcare bill has & is failing::your bank bailouts failed::your homeownership program failed::your financial corporations billed was a failure from the beginning because you left out fannie & freddie (i wonder why)::your infrastructure plans have failed::your bailing out the unions (teachers, firemen, policemen, etc) has failed because you are now asking for more money for them::your words of "our words must mean more then words" has failed because iran & north korea are still doing business as usual::your closing gitmo has failed::your open & honest policy has failed::your transparency policy has failed::your reaching across the isle is a sad joke & yet, just another failure...these are your failures & you should man up & accept ownership of them.

in ending i ask the following...obama, exactly how hard is it to shield your daughters from your failures & then look them in their eyes & say, i am your father, i know what's best for you &, i love you?

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