Monday, September 6, 2010


hello america! i'm going to list several more reasons why i'm an obama basher & why i call him a liar.

obama blames pres bush for everything that he cannot fix. the present economic mess that obama wants you to believe he inherited-he blames pres bush for. well, let's go back in history & look at some facts that most news agencies won't & don't report. but, before i do, let's set the table properly...fannie mae & freddie mac were the 2 corporations that started this mess & everyone after them followed suit. assuming i have my facts in order, they own or hold more of the mortgages then anyone else. so, mortgages =housing =THE HOUSING MARKET which started the economic downfall. as you may already know, when the housing market fell, everything else followed---obama blames pres bush for this---this is BS & obama knows it.

pres bush tried to appeal to a republican controled congress for stronger regulatory measures against freddie & fannie. obama doesn't speak a word about this & i know he has to know. so, do yourself a favor & click on the below link & see just how many times pres bush did appeal to congress (& if you archive through my blogs, i'm sure you'll find me blogging about this prior to obamas being elected).

the above is all part of the record that obama does not want you to see or hear. this way he can continue to feed your 'dislike' of pres bush for his own political gains by continuing to tell you how he 'inherited' this economic mess from pres bush. &, by doing so, he keeps his own 'dirty little secrets' out of the spotlight. he is so quick to blame pres bush for all of our troubles & never gives him 'good' credit for anything. under the first 6 years of pres bush, america grew at an alarming rate---that's a fact the majority of americans can attest to. for obama to blame pres bush for our present troubles is pure crap. obama was as much a part of citigroup & the others failing as was the rest of washington...actually, he was a major player in their failing. however, our 'main-stream' media doesn't play fair & will poison us to believe what they want us to believe. in lieu of what obama has been blaming pres bush for, is it too much to ask that the other side of the coin be revealed? how come msnbc, fox, cnn & others don't ask obama about the on the link below & you'll know the truth...

america, if i got your son or daughter drunk & they had an accident on the way home-wouldn't i be responsible? or, if i gave matches to an arsonist who burned your home down, would you hold me responsible? & before you get to running your mouth, please remember that if you allow me to drive your car without a valid license & i have an accident---YOU ARE AT FAULT.

we can argue about a lot of things but, you cannot argue about valid facts. obama is a liar & i have been going out of my way to prove it. chris mathews had a great opportunity to pin obama to the wall but, he asked lame-ass questions. why didn't he ask obama how he could blame pres bush for our problems knowing very well that obama contributed to them? (this is a good time to tell you that pres clinton had a lot to do with the 'repeal of CRA' which allowed obama & others to sue banks to force them to make loans to those that were not credit worthy). THAT IS THE MAIN REASON FOR THE DOWNFALL OF THE HOUSING MARKET...not pres bush. if you clicked on the above link you would have seen where & when pres bush tried to appeal to a repub controlled congress & then a dem controlled congress for stronger regulatory measures against fannie & freddie. pres bush may be guilty of the handling of katrina but, you can't blame him for what happened & is continuing to happen economically.

during obamas campaigning, he even said he was in favor of banks making sub-prime loans &, he & others sued banks, forcing them to make those loans. &, we all now know what those loans led to. but, you obama supporters & those that still want to give him more time---look at the present status of our housing market & look at the record numbers of foreclosures & then look at the following:::pres bush tried to stop it before it started & obama just added more fuel to the fire. more importantly, obama did not do one thing as a sitting congressman in washington to avoid or stop our present problems.

using common sense, obama has lied & continues to lie to us. he has never uttered one word about his contributing to the present problems but he is quick & loud to blame pres bush. (FOXNEWS ON THIS VERY DAY-6 SEPT 2010/1:40pm-est-HAS BRAD BLAKEMAN & DICK HARPOOLITAN ARGUING OVER OBAMAS NEW $50 BILLION INFRASTRUCTURE BILL---BLAKE IS AGAINST IT & HARPOOLITAN IS ARGUING THAT 8 YEARS UNDER PRES BUSH GOT US INTO THIS MESS. I REALLY HOPE YOU CAN PULL IT UP)

obama is a liar. he told us unemployment wouldn't rise above 8%/obama told us that his stimulus bill would create millions of jobs immediately/he told us that his healthcare bill was good for us & would create immediate jobs/he told us his education bill would keep teachers, cops & firemen from being fired/he told us he would close gitmo/he told us his administration would be held to the highest standards/he told us he would not hire lobbyists/he told us he would keep america strong/he told us he didn't want to own banks or cars corps/he told us we'd be able to keep our existing healthcare policies/he told us he wouldn't raise taxes on the middle-class/he told us his administration would be transparent/he told us he didn't bow to those 2 foreign heads of state----it might be easier for you to tell me what he said that was not a lie & yeah, i'll pack my lunches & diners because you're going to need quite a bit of time.

& america, the biggest lie of all. obama inherited this mess---a mess he helped create & a mess he did nothing about as a illinios senator elected to congress in 2008. obama is a very sorry excuse for a 'leader'///just look at what he's done to america & tell me that that's leadership.

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