Monday, March 2, 2009


hello america! our country has always been divided by three: those at the top that don't want you catching up to them; those in the middle aspiring to reach the top; &, those at the bottom just happy to make ends meet. it's always been that way &, will always be that way. obama & 50 more like him can't & won't change it. in fact, obama campaigned on a promise to help the "middle class" & tax the wealthy-"the high class"-he has yet to say anything about those living below the national poverty level "the low class". & THEN, WE HAVE A CLASS OF HOMELESS PEOPLE WE LIKE NOT TO TALK ABOUT AS IF THEY ARE NOT THERE.

every city in america has them &, we either shun them or, begrudgingly help them with donations of clothing, food &/or money to the agencies that help them. regardless of what we do or don't do for them, they are not the subjects at dinner tables---no, we talk sports, or movies, or what wall street did, or what the big boys are doing. when we're warm & eating well, the conversation about the homeless is forbidden at the dinner table. we'd rather talk about that ding-bat actress-ashley judd-& her bashing sarah palin about the wolf killings & yet, this ding-bat supports partial birth abortions. (JUST GOES TO SHOW YOU HOW STUPID SOME OF US HAVE BECOME THAT WE CAN CARE MORE ABOUT THE WOLF POPULATION THEN HUMAN LIFE)

i said all that to say this:::in the greatest nation on earth (until obama gets through) we should not have a homeless problem. regardless of the economy, we should strive to wipe homelessness out. yes, there are those that are homeless because they refuse to conform but, the majority of them are homeless because they fell through the cracks.

let's keep it real:::the only time most of us hear or see them is thanksgiving & christmas & that's only because the politicans take that time to do photo-ops with them at the feederies &, then tell us of their feeble efforts to stop homelessness.

homelessness is a national problem & obama never addresses it. our elected officials never address it outright. yes, they do provide some funding to some of the agencies that help these people but, that's about it.

america, please answer me this...would you rather have your tax dollars going overseas to fund abortions or would you rather have them here helping the homeless?

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