Thursday, January 15, 2009


hello america! perhaps you can answer this question for me---if a member of your family was kidnapped, would you really care what the police had to do to return that member to you safely? i mean, wouldn't you want them to do everything in their power to accomplish that?

or, would you be one of those that demand that the police respect the rights of the perpertrators to the point of you never getting your family member back safely?

well, obama seems to think that his closing gitmo (guantanamo) & issuing those captured in battle against us civil rights, goes against every grain of my moral being. i have a big problem with this.

you cannot capture the enemy during the battle & then give them the same rights americans experience during incarceration. nor can you release them freely. if this is allowed to occur, we will have intentionally sealed an effective way of gathering information that could result is less american lives being lost.

in the two wars we are currently involved in, our enemy is ruthless. they show us no mercy, in fact, they go the opposite route. to most of us, they almost appear subhuman in their ability to inflict death & destruction on our military & civilian forces. they seem to think that strapping a bomb on a young woman & sending her into a marketplace to blow up is a thing of honor. they don't care who dies or is injured &, they have no morals about waging their war from their places of worship.

even with all the 'bad news' coming from gitmo, these people are being treated better then they were in their own country. their religion is being respected, they're clothed, they eat (based on their religion), they sleep, & they exercise. &, if water-boarding is what it takes to save american lives, so be it.

not wishing this on anybody but, when the enemy captures your son or daughter or freind, please make your voice is heard about giving the enemy rights. if my daughter-in-law were captured by the enemy, i wouldn't care what means were used to secure her rescue.

as usual, obama has it wrong!

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