Tuesday, February 21, 2017


hello america!!! please give some honest thought to this:::why are the democrat politicians & main-stream media responding to donald trump as they do??? the answer is extremely simple---they fear him because they fully realize that he can accomplish a lot of what of what all he's promised---&, for that reason alone, they will do all that they can do to slow (&/or) stop him &, that includes stirring up the masses---look, if he's successful, what reason would you have to vote for another democrat because he will have exposed them for what they truly are which is, a power-hungry controlling people that are extremely inept at actually 'doing' for the people...

good people---
1.....what do you have to fear if trump can produce jobs??? judging from the amounts of money being pledged to that effort, they will not be low-paying jobs---obama falsely promised you jobs & i've dissected the numbers proving that he did just the opposite during his 8-year tenure--- those numbers come from our very own bureau of labor statistics & department of labor---educate yourself HERE...
2.....what do you have to fear if trump can honestly raise our educational standards & allow you school choice??? from cnn, we have THIS---&, as for school choice, far too many of our children are forced to attend a 'failing' school simply because they live within that district & are prevented from going outside of that district---i live in allentown pa, 2 1/2 blocks from 'lowly-rated' william allen high school, & many parents here wish they had another choice of schools...
3.....what do you have to fear if trump can make fairer trade deals for us??? this is really simple---we're importing more than we're exporting & that creates a negative trade-deficit which effects the quality & the number of jobs lost or gained...
4.....what do you have to fear if trump can stem the flow off uninvited immigrants & drugs entering through our southern border??? common sense says the only ones that would be hurt by those actions would be the gangs, drug-dealers &, those employers that would 'illegally' hire those illegal immigrants...
5.....what do you have to fear if trump can lower taxes while simplifying our tax code??? we don't even know what the tax-bill will look like but i can tell you this, the repubs are for a tax-breaks & the dems aren't & hey, it's always been that way---more than fearing trump for allowing you to keep more of your own money, you should fear those that oppose him &, in order to do that, you'd have to oppose the very same party you support...
6.....what do you have to fear if trump can actually reduce the killings & crimes (within our communities) that all those before him only paid lip-service to doing (to include obama)??? let's keep it real, trump spoke of our community violence long before all the others & has vowed to 'fix the problem'---we've had far too many 'so-called' black leaders that only showed up to speak about it when it involved a cop killing a person of color whether justified or not---i can't help but remember congressman elijah cummings marching (arm-in-arm) during the baltimore uprisings over the death of freddie gray & stepping up to the mike & cameras to make his comments---what you need to know is, i don't remember him doing anything like this before or after freddie gray &, just so you know, the 7 police involved in that death were either found not guilty, acquitted or, charges were dropped (i'll revisit this in another post)---look, there's a big difference between 'willful ignorance' & 'ignorant'---trump gave you the numbers of the 2016 chicago homicides & you blew him off---hey, we're not even 2 full months into this new year & YTD, chicago has had 91 homicides/86 of them by gunshot/389 wounded/police involved shootings are 4 killed-2 wounded/54 blacks killed/12 hispanics killed CLICK HERE---this is happening all over our country & it has got to stop but, you all refuse to even speak about us killing us, so yes, please support trump in his efforts to 'clean up' our neighborhoods that we seem powerless to do...
7.....what do you have to fear if trump can fully vet refugees entering our country (with or without a temporary ban)??? i've seen people marching against trump on this issue & yes, i hear the dem politicians degrading him for his wanting to make us safer & yet, i haven't heard one of you ASSHOLES offering your own home for their comfort---you all make me sick because who among you doesn't vet your baby-sitter or child-care provider &, nobody just allows somebody into their own home without knowing something about them---those 7 country's trump wants to put a temporary ban on are the same ones obama had listed, so, get on board with the program or, would you like me to remind you with actual video proof of what bill clinton, hillary clinton, obama, chuck shumer & others had to say about refugees & illegal aliens entering our country & hey, it wasn't bigoted then so, why is it bigoted now???
8.....what do you have to fear if trump can restore that hope for the american dream for all americans & those sincerely striving to become one??? for those of you steeped in denial & willful stupidity, this block is not for you & yet, it is specifically for you---facts are facts & you can argue for or against them but, in the end, they'll still remain facts---the 1st six years under bush were actually better than most people care to admit (& that's with the 2 wars that both party's agreed to), however, our country fell to crap during his last 2 years in office &, under obama, it fell even further---obama & company (to include many repubs), laid the blame for our housing market collapse directly on the shoulders of bush & obama ran with it---hell, the media had a 'field-day' & never presented you with the truth which is/was, certain powerful dems in office allowed the housing market collapse to occur by denying bush's warning about it &, had they of acted on his warnings (starting in 2001), it probably could have been avoided---please, READ THIS HERE & learn the truth---while middle-class america (have you ever noticed that nobody talks about lower-class americans any more???) suffered, people of color suffered even more because of the collapse &, if trump can lift us up with his vision, what do you have to lose??? &, another thing issue is, we weren't as racially divided under bush as became under obama & yet, we have those idiots that fail to realize that quite a few white people voted for obama both elections (HMMM???)...
9.....what do you have to fear if trump does deport illegal aliens with criminal records or those tagged with a 'priority designation' as long as he's not deporting all illegal aliens??? the dems & the media would have you believe trump is evil & yet, if an illegal alien commits a crime & than hides in a 'sanctuary city' only to come out & commit another crime, the media won't tell you shit about it---in truth, most illegal aliens are here to live a better life but, those that aren't need to go---PERIOD

i could go on & on & on but, hopefully, you've got the gist of the above...

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