Tuesday, February 7, 2017


hello america!!! regardless of how you feel, the fact is, if somebody enters our country illegally, they have broken the law---what is so hard to understand & accept about it??? for a politician that took the oath of office not to perform her or his duties to the fullest is just plain wrong & should be punishable with jail time---this is pelosi defending SANCTUARY CITIES however, i guess she forgot about taking an oath for office READ THIS...

seemingly, all elected officials that 'harbor' illegal aliens should be arrested & have their day in court---there is no excuse for allowing any politician to decide which laws they wish to &/or wish not to follow---if our elected officials are 'willingly allowing' illegal aliens to stay in their communities (unreported), they are, at the very least, violating their oath of office READ HERE & they should be held accountable in a court of law...

if you think there isn't a problem here, why don't you 'harbor' an illegal alien (or harbor a wanted criminal), get caught & see what happens---see if the media & others give you camera time &, while you're at it, see if the police give you a 'free pass' for breaking the law...

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