Sunday, June 5, 2016


hello america!!! if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got!!! people of color, wake the hell on up & honestly examine where you are as a people &, more importantly, as an american---for all the promises the dems have made to you for your vote (&, the vast majority of you have voted dem repeatedly) why are you constantly left on the bottom rung of the ladder of life???

obama & company promised you jobs, however, the 'real' unemployment rate for black's & latino's combined is 20% or greater (the 'real' national average is 9.7%) & hey, if we bring our youth into the fray, their rate is soaring above 40% & that's simply because the jobs just aren't there & those jobs that are available, you may not be qualified for...other reasons are robotics are replacing you, immigrants (both legal & illegal) are replacing you, obamacare, taxes & regulations are hindering employers from hiring you &, jobs are moving overseas PERIOD---bear in mind that the vast majority of people of color are also on the bottom of the list of 'good paying jobs' & yes, some of you are doing exceedingly well, however, you are the the way, just how many of those 'shovel ready jobs' did you get???

obama & company was supposed to 'right' our banking industry so that they could re-start making home & business loans---how's that working out for you??? people of color, NEWSFLASH!!! your home ownership rate for blacks is 41.5% & for latinos is 45.3% while the whites are at 72.1%---the national average is 63.5%---again, the vast majority of people of color are on the bottom rung...
as for black & latino business ownership, I GIVE YOU THIS & i will let you figure it out...

look, combine the buying power of the dollar decreasing, wage growth remaining stagnant & the cost of living rising & people of color will always be at the mercy of their savings account & hey, if you don't have a pot, you can't piss in one---while a $15 per hour wage increase may seem like the ideal thing to do, the real beneficiary of that would be your gov't because many of you would be paying more taxes & would receive less in gov't benefits (never thought of that, did you???) sometimes, common sense makes no sense at all & yes, raising the minimum wage makes for good common sense until you factor into what all it would trigger---simply put, higher wages equals more taxes, less benefits, less jobs & hours plus, higher costs for goods & services (to include rent & utilities) &, unfortunately, some of you are far too stupid to understand that...what part of 'you earn more, you pay more' is so hard to understand??? as i previously stated, the gov't is the only winner of any wage increase & they win across the board...

rational thinking would point to people of color being better off under a black president but, just the opposite has occurred---for whatever reason, we are killing one another at a very high rate regardless of sex, age or location &, obama & company deliberately ignore the problem---in fact, they purposely incite you to carry out their marching orders that, as their minions, you are blind to their manipulation & control of you---when i look at chicago & see all the senseless violence that is plaguing the people of color, i'm stunned by what i don't see---
1.....i don't see any of the 'powers-that-be' sending in our national guard
2.....i don't see the naacp
3.....i don't see the nation of islam
4.....i don't see the black lives matter group
5.....i don't see the main-stream media
6.....i don't see massive 'mobs'
7.....i don't see the aclu
8.....i don't see the nclr
9.....i don't see the bpp
10...i don't see the masses of chicago rising up
when you remember how 'paid people' were brought in to demonstrate for freddie gray & others; when you remember the size of the anti-trump mobs showing up; when you remember that the media & obama & company are all over a cop killing a person of color (whether justified or not), just ask yourself this:::why is people of color killing other people of color allowed??? & yes, they are allowed because the gov't has the power to declare martial law on any part &/or all of chicago; call out the national guard; declare a curfew; & perform house to house searches for weapons, drugs & people with warrants---yes, it would be a major inconvenience for a lot of people, but it would be worth it---so ask yourself why isn't it being done???

our communities & schools are infested with drugs & gangs & it's gotten so bad, we have armed police patrolling within the school buildings---hell, william allen high school (allentown,pa) even has parole/probation encamped within the building---&, the education standards have fallen so low that most of our youth are not true 12th grade material when they do graduate...what are the dems doing about it??? but they'll tell you they want 'free college' for our graduates...

if you want more of the same, just keep voting the same...

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