Sunday, May 8, 2016


hello america!!! what's amazing to me is, nobody actually anticipated donald trump (not even the donald himself) staying in the gop race (much less apparently winning it)---all the media pundits called it wrong to include the gop insiders...hell, my first choice was rubio but i switched to trump right after the first debate...

let's keep it real---if obama & company were all they claimed to be, trump would have been out of the race a very, very long time fact, it's because of their failings that trump has made it this far &, for that, i thank them because i think he can take us to that level of 'greatness' he continually talks about...

another way of looking at the dem failures is the race between hillary clinton & bernie sanders---if not for the 'super delegates', this would be a very close race & would go down to the wire (where it may end up anyway)...simply put, america (both dem & repub) is fed up with the way we've been treated by our elected officials & our loud voices of disapproval have been cast on our primary voting ballots---if obama & company were 'all that', bernie would have dropped out of the race a very, very long time ago...but, there are those in the dem party pushing back against the 'establishment' & without the 'super delegates, bernie (& he's a self-admitted socialist) would be losing by only 290 delagates which says a lot...

the 'media experts' actually spend all day on tv proving what they don't know---they don't have a clue how trump would run our country; who his cabinet would consist of; what states he will or won't carry; what block of voters will or won't vote for him; &, seemingly, they're more interested in the fight between him & hillary because it generates more revenue...what's so obviously lost on them is, exactly what is presidential---we are tired of presidential & need that person that will not be confined to the old rules & regulations of decorum...

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