Sunday, March 20, 2016


hello america!!! i wish you would wake the hell up & actually understand what's going on---look, it really doesn't matter which party is control of our country, the 'powers-that-be' will always get theirs long before giving any thought to you getting yours &, that's based solely on if they even want to throw you a crumb or two...

hell, politicians do whatever they have to do in order to get elected & re-elected &, they'll tell you whatever they think you want to hear to covet your vote---they are controlled by big money & the sooner you accept that the sooner you can help get big money out of politics---what big-named company is going to 'donate' hundreds of thousands of dollars to somebody without demanding 'favors' in return for it??? &, what politician (after receiving that money) is going to refuse those demands???

donald trump & bernie sanders are not receiving money from those that want to retain their control on our country &, for that, they're catching hell---trump is catching more because he's seen as more of a risk to their 'established ways' & no effort to defeat him will go untried---

just think, if we could somehow limit the amounts of 'political money donations', we would end up with a gov't doing the will of the people for the people instead of a gov't doing the will of the special interests, lobbyists &, political superpacs---money is why our elected officials refuse to even think about 'term limits'...

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