Wednesday, May 21, 2014


hello america!!! first of all, i strongly believe that positive 'change' is good!!! that said, one doesn't know exactly how their efforts to effect change will play out, however, when one sees the negativity their efforts are producing, one should go back to the drawing board & rethink their strategy........

who among you (as a country) can say we are better off now than we were before obama & company??? who among you (as people of color) can say we are better off now than before obama & company??? who among you (as impecunious people) can say we are better off now than before obama & company??? & yes, some of you may be better off but, far too many of you are not & that is the TRUTH.......

we were promised jobs by obama & company & yet, they are the ones holding the jobs back (&, they lie about it)...i don't make this stuff up so, read it HERE------then ask obama & company why...if you're just half as smart as i credit you to be, you have to know that those bills will continue to sit there because, GOD forbid, should they pass them & some of them actually lead to employment growth, that would dispel all the comments they've made claiming the repubs are the ones hurting the jobs, you also have to weigh in additional taxes, regulations &, obamacare which all lead to employer uncertainty...30 hour work-weeks are becoming the new norm.............

obama said 'middle-class' is a state of mind----i can only assume that if you are fortunate enough to be making $30,000 per year & you're actually struggling, your struggles are all mental...for somebody that promised to strengthen the middle-class, obama & company are extremely dismissive about the realities of their pain------for those at the lower end of the spectrum, obama & company never even mention you.....

be real with yourselves---while there are those that actually have to depend on food stamps & public welfare, there are far too many that abuse the system......hey look, i won't support anybody that would rather enroll me in gov't hand-outs then open up the opportunities for employment.........PERIOD!!!

nor will i ever support anybody that's against 'mandating' gov't issued id's for ALL people within our borders...obama & company say that 'forcing' some people to obtain a gov't issued id would create undue hardships on them & yet, they haven't even talked about introducing any form of a plan as a remedy...what can you 'legally' do in america without valid gov't issued id??? maybe i'm crazy but, look at the id requirements for THIS---from my view, those not in favor of 'mandating' gov't issued id's are also in favor of enabling those without them to continue to live in poverty...........

but, what do i know??? someone stands on your roof peeing on you & they holler down that it's raining &, you believe them??????????? well, hope you don't open your mouth.......

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