Saturday, April 5, 2014


hello america!!! you guys really must be idiots because when obama explains something to you, you gobble it up & then, you want to use the 'race-card' when somebody else says something different...well, i'm here to say something different so, please, get your 'race-card' ready---

obama touts 7.1 million enrollees in obamacare as a success &, by itself, it would seem like a crowning achievement, however, he hasn't said anything about those 5 million plus that lost their coverage because of obamacare nor does he say anything about the millions more that will lose their present coverage when his 'executive delays' expire...something else you won't hear him talking about is the number of jobs lost, hours cut or, the hiring slowdown obamacare has produced---here's the irony of that---obama blames the repubs & insurance companies for all the negativity & yet, he wrote the rules for them knowing that they would have to scarp the old policies & be forced to issue new ones to include his 'essentials'---

obama & company want you to think that they don't have the numbers regarding how many uninsured have signed up; how many of our young people have signed up; how many with pre-existing conditions have signed up; how many of those 5 million plus that lost their policies have signed up; how many enrollees actually have paid their premiums; nor do they want to talk about those 3-4 million people plus sent to medicare...must be a national security thing---

look, call me whatever you wish to but, if obamacare was all that obama said it was, why do we have this???   i can only hope you read the whole thing...

the bottom line is:::7.1 million enrollees doesn't impress me one iota because obama refuses to include the 5 million plus losses in the same sentence...

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