Sunday, November 10, 2013


hello america!!! in the very beginning, i disliked obama & all ideas regarding obamacare---here it is 5 plus years later &, i must go on the record to admit i would be wrong to say i dislike them now---i despise them both immensely.

obama has proved to be what i predicted when he first announced he was running for office. i said it then & i loudly say it again, obama is not good for this country!!! to hear him spin his supposed achievements, one would have to rate him right along with the sun breaking through the clouds. to objectively examine what he's done to this country, one would have to rate him right along with all the other petty thugs that have had their hands in our country not being all that it can & should be.

to you blind obama supporters i ask this: 1. since pres bush left office, are we actually better off now? 2. have we grown as a country? 3. is our country heading in the right direction? 4. has obama set this country on a path that insures americans can still achieve that 'american dream'? 5. has obama made us safer abroad & within our borders? 6. has obama changed how business in washington is conducted for the betterment of this country? 7. has obama kept all of his promises to the american people? 

before you answer any questions, i want you to remember that in obamas first two years in office, he could have passed any bills he wanted to---he had the dem majority in both chambers of congress so, please think about that. hell, he could have had a bill passed that would have made it illegal for men to stand up & urinate... he had the votes & the popularity, however, all we (as a nation) got out of those first two years was 'tarp' (the bailout bill) & obamacare---&, neither has done what it was supposed to do.

so, let's keep it real---
answer 1---no, we are not better off!!! people are still losing their homes; banks are still not making loans; jobs are still being lost & hours are being cut...obamas 'tarp' bill (a/k/a the bailouts) was supposed to put an end to those problems, however, it did not work as it was intended to. obama sold his bailout plan as the end to our problems & changed that to say it was simply a bandaid...

answer 2---no, we have not grown one iota!!! we are more divided then ever. if a white person or group challenges any of obamas ideas, the media & others pull out the race-card; if a black person does it, he/she is black-balled & investigated (by our fed gov't). we have regressed to the point that crosses are being challenged on public buildings; groups are protesting at the funerals of our fallen soldiers; we are far less trusting of our gov't then we ever were under pres bush...

answer 3---no, we are not heading in the right direction!!! we will soon be $18 trillion dollars in national debt &, there are no plans in the near future for us to cut back on our reckless spending ways. hey, call me stupid but, why don't you try this: max out your credit card & then ask the credit card company to increase your debt limit---see how that works out for you. the dems that control the senate can't agree with the repubs that control the house & obama wants what he wants when he wants it & blames the repubs & pres bush for all our problems. under obama & the dems in the senate, america's future looks extremely it stands right now, every american citizen owes $54,000 of that debt (please note that the gov't doesn't include those that are here illegally) or, another way of putting it is: every taxpayer owes $149,499 of that debt---hurry up & put those checks in the mail. just think, your grandchildren will have to face this debt at some time in the very near future because you didn't have the balls to elect somebody that would have dealt with it now.

answer 4---no, obama has all but killed the 'american dream'!!! those that have achieved financial success now find themselves forced to pay more for those that don't even get out of bed in the morning to look for a job. yes, we actually do have families that must depend on gov't services to get by, however, quite a few of those receiving some form of gov't assistance should be out there job-hunting. hey, 48 million americans are receiving food stamps & look at how our ssd rolls have dramatically increased. if you can't keep or find a job, that 'american dream' cannot be acheived---however, obama is all for the middle class which he says is a state of mind...

answer 5---no, we are not safer abroad or within our borders!!! just look at benghazi; look at our mexico border; look at our home-grown terrorists that we keep ignoring until it's too late; look at the homicides in chicago...we have lost our respect overseas & here at home. in obama, we have a man whose words mean less then words. in obama we have a man that allowed (then secretary of state) hilary clinton to travel the world to represent us & he proclaimed her 'great' for a job the way, please tell me exactly what she ever accomplished. countries no longer fear us or our abilities to bring peace to the world. russia, china, north korea, iran, cuba, syria & africa still defy us to our faces. how in the hell can we even think we're safer when we knowingly sold guns to mexican cartels that have been used against us? if our gov't can say they are trying to legalize 11 million illegal aliens, we should know that that number is a lot higher & yes, there are those that wish to do us harm hidden in that group...

answer 6---no, obama has not changed how business is conducted in washington for our betterment!!! in fact, he has made it worse. his feeble efforts to reach across the isle are (& were) a big joke. he is leading with a 'my way or the highway' approach. he won't negotiate, he won't compromise &, sadly, he wants no parts of whatever the repubs offer. just remember how obamacare was passed---closed door meetings, back-room deals &, no repub inclusion in any of it (just think, the dems blame the repubs for the obamacare failures). obama downplays his failures (& there are a lot of them). you elected him to lead this country &, if you just listen to him, you know he's either not leading us or, he straight-up lying to us every time he has to defend his failures. the commander-in-chief didn't know anything about benghazi until it was too late to do anything? give me a break!!! he didn't know anything about the 'fast & furious' gun-walking program until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the irs targeting of tea party applicants until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the nsa/cia spying on american people until afterwards; he didn't know anything about news reporters being investigated until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the boston bombers until afterwards (russia even warned us in advance); he didn't know anything about the anti-american sentiment towards america in libya (232 negative, violent incidents leading up to 9/11 benghazi) until afterwards; he didn't know anything about the canceled health insurance policies until afterwards---hell, he knew in 2010 because he changed the grandfathering requirements...obama has not changed one bit of how business is conducted &, when it doesn't work out in his favor, he just lies about it. you elected him to lead us to a better place---when you look at how obamacare has been forced on us, did you get your votes worth? hey, look at it this way: obama jumped all over pres bush for his 'torture tactics' & yet, obama decides who gets killed without having a trial---it's called 'trial by drone' & if americans happen to be in the cross-hairs, that's okay because he can explain it.

answer 7---no, obama has not kept his promises to the american people!!! to prove a point about obamas lying---when the 'dream act' (immigration bill) failed to pass the senate, obama blamed the repubs. the bill failed by 5 votes. guess what? 5 dems voted against that bill but obama would rather lie to you then tell you his own party killed the bill. what's so sad about all of it is: the media knew the truth & just refused to print it. from day one, obama has lied to you &, he will continue to do is a list of his broken promises...

i'm sure that every american can remember a promise that obama has not kept &, there will be more coming...

IF YOU LIKE YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE, YOU CAN KEEP IT PERIOD!!! obamas recent response to that is to tell you that what you heard him say isn't what you heard him say &, it goes like this:
"If you had or have one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really like that plan, what we said was, you could keep it if hasn't changed since the law's passed,"
before you agree that it's the fault of the insurance companies, remember this---obama & company wrote the regulations after the bill became law & they did it in 2010. plus they wrote it in such a way that most previously issued policies would no longer be legal...that was deliberately done to force people into the obamacare marketplace...

i really wish that the repubs would get together & vote in the people we need to save our country & our dreams because obama & the dems are hell-bent on ruining them...

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