Tuesday, August 20, 2013


hello america!!! only obama could acknowledge that the egyptian military forcibly removed a democratically elected president from office & yet, fail to call it a coup. why is he riding the middle? this is what got us into trouble with the arab spring---his extremely flawed thinking & policy's.

it's like his 'assad must go & syria better not cross that line'---assad's still there &, they supposedly did cross the line. it's like his 'our words must mean more then words' in reference to his speech in prague (2009) when north korea defiantly sent up a missile. it's like his constant warnings to iran concerning their quest to have nukes. it's like his telling us that al qadea has been decimated & is on the run & yet, they're alive & thriving. it's like his telling us that we are safer now then we were 4 plus years ago however, we won't count benghazi against him because he called it a phony scandal &, we can't hold the boston bombings against him because we didn't understand that russia was warning us. it's like his telling us the borders are more secure then they were 4 plus years ago & yet, we can't count the violence & border agents bryan terry's death against him because obama lives in washington dc.

obamas problem is, he only acts on his thoughts---the hell with everybody else. he won't even accept suggestions from his own panals---he tries to please both sides &, in this day & age, you can't. nobody seems to respect of fear our country---we have lost a lot of face under obama & there's no way we can reclaim our spot in the world with him & his at the helm...

how's this for respect...http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/08/20/gulf-nations-split-with-west-to-back-egyptian-military/

had obama been decisive when the military first overthrew president morsi & called it a coup, withdrawing our aid to egypt would have sent a stronger message however, he still hasn't done that so, we here's where we are...http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/19/white-house-says-egyptian-aid-decision-evolving-after-congress-urges-action/

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