Saturday, July 27, 2013


hello america!!! it's amazing what the computer shows...i've been watching (real-time) what's been going on in syria with a syrian & he's been kind enough to translate for me. he's shown me the devastation & killings that have become a part of syrian's every day life. it seems it's the rebels that are causing all the hell--at least from my friends point of view--& that assad is good for the country while we say he must go. &, you have this...

all i know is: the mid east is very unstable---contrary to what obama & company would have you believe---&, there doesn't seem to be any stability coming in the near future.

when all of the people took to the streets before the 'arab spring', obama was all over it. now that it's ended, nothing has been settled except to show that his mid east policy should be rethought.

this comes from cbs & you should actually take the time to use the arrow to see what's happened since the arab spring...

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