Tuesday, February 12, 2013


hello america!!! i can remember when the newly elected obama was in (or on his way to) prague, czech republic (april 2009) & north korea had been threatening to launch a missile & he said "our words must mean more than words"...needless to say, they fired the missile & the rest is history. &, before you get to thinking i'm making this stuff up, i actually posted the following in april 2009---here, read it for yourselves

obama has praised his state department & hilary clinton for all they've done around the world &, when i compare then to now, i am really disappointed. when he recently said we're 'safer' now then 4 years ago, i almost choked from laughing so much. hell, you don't have to argue with me or call me those nasty names, just tell me where we're safer at & how. while you're racking your brain for answers, there's this:

the middle east is more unstable now then before the 'arab spring'---we can't even protect our own &, obama & company seem brain dead as to what happened in benghazi & why; africa is a smoldering hotbed & is about to explode on many fronts; europe is so close to financially falling apart; russia & china are building up their military while we are downgrading our own; iran is still hellbent on building a nuclear weapon & we're hellbent on 'papering' them until we run out of trees; north korea laughs at & continues doing what they want to...http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/02/11/earthquake-north-korea-nuclear-test/1911587/.......we've fed israel & canada to the dogs; china & japan could go to 'war' any day now; haiti  still suffers from lack of all that aid we promised; columbia & mexico still import their drugs & gangs here; our borders are not as safe as they should be; cuba is still a problem---no wait, cuba is a bigger problem because russia is trying to build a navy dock there; &, chicago (alone) had 500 plus homicides in 2012---just add the rest of the state & the rest of the country to that number; our streets, schools, work-places &, public places are not as safe as they once were:::::::::::::so, you tell me, where are we safer & why? hell, look at the recent incidents at our courthouse...even our police are not as safe as they once were. what about how the gov'ts of china & russia treat their own people & the outsiders that get caught up in that treatment???

for north korea to have been allowed to detonate a nuke says it all: OUR WORDS HAVE NO BITE TO THEM...

we're so safe that obama allowed his oldest daughter to 'springbreak' in mexico in mar 2012 along with some other friends---& what made that trip 'safe' was the 25 secret service personnel & mexican cops...

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