Thursday, February 14, 2013


hello america!!! aren't you glad obama told you how well we're doing? my question is this: if we're doing so well, why do we have this...

&, to back it up...;

no truth comes out of the whitehouse---obama & company always spin the numbers in their favor &, nobody actually challenges them...this is a prime example...............obama talks about jobs growth since the recession ended (which was about 15 months after he was in office) &, is saying that under him, we've added 6 million jobs. A SMART PERSON WOULD ASK, WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT? a smarter person would answer: what about the jobs lost in obamas 1st 15 months? what about those 4.3 million jobs lost in that period (regardless of who is at fault, it's on his watch). look, let's keep it real::::you credit pres bush for everything that happened on his watch of 96 months. why doesn't that apply to obama? how can you just start counting after your 1st 15 months?

while the 6 million number is impressive, it's just not honest & you, & the media, don't even question it...

here's something else you don't question...

while i don't begrudge obama & fam a vacation, i do have a problem with his trying to get the media to remain quiet on it, especially when he's the one that said 'tighten your belts'.......

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