Sunday, September 9, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    i wonder how many people whose lives are being turned upside down by the loss of jobs can agree that 'we have turned the corner'? how many of those 23/24 million people out of work or underemployed think we are better off now then we were 4 years ago? are the 46.7 million people receiving food stamps now better off? did the 386,000 people that left the workforce in august think is was not worth waiting on obamas call to 'hold on'? what part of black america's 14.1% unemployment rate inspires 'hope'? is the 700,000 plus women that have lost jobs under obama the 'change'?

america, obama knew about our dismal jobs report before he uttered one word of his speech & yet he went on with what had been pre-prepared. this man, who is asking for 4 more years, did not think enough of you to say, 'america, i'm sorry but, tomorrows jobs report will not be a good one. i haven't had the time to scrutinize the numbers or the reasons, however, i didn't want you to wake up to it in the morning', not obama---that would be beneath him.

damn his speech...just think about this great country & then realize we only 'HIRED' 96,000 people last month. that in itself is bad enough however, 386,000 americans left the workforce---they have (for whatever reason) given up on looking for work. & yes, the national unemployment dropped to 8.1% however, it did so only because of the people leaving the workforce.

good people, we have a big jobs problems. hiring more teachers, firemen, policemen &, infrastructure jobs doesn't even dent the problem. during the dnc, speakers were touting the manufacturing sector however, in hindsight, they now look like idiots because the sector cut 15,000 jobs alone in august.

look, let's keep it real...we have more then enough people that are wanting to work; we have more then enough business's wanting to sell their products/services & yet, something is holding this back from happening. we have obamas hand picked 'jobs council' that obama hasn't met with in 6 months & has rejected everything they suggested. by the way, jeffrey immelt (ceo of GE) chairs that council, you know, the same one that has moved so much of GE overseas & yet, obama & company want us to buy those energy saving lightbulbs that are made in china. JUST SAYING......

i'm going to put it this way...regardless of all that comes out of obamas month, until he's ready to rescind his business regulations, suspend obamacare, bring about tax certainty, open up our federal lands & waters to energy production, kill the dodd/frank bill, establish a truer & enforceable trades agreement, quit promoting & actively assisting unionized labor, put pressure on harry reid to act on the 30 house passed jobs related bills just sitting in the senate &, actual accept a bipartisan bill to pay down our debt, we are not going to grow as a nation..........

here's the jobs report from the horses mouth...

& then, you have this...
there's something very 'fishy' with this: the labor department is just now saying that 41,000 fewer jobs were added during june & july.

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