Friday, September 7, 2012


hello america!!! if you really listened to obamas dnc speech last night, perhaps you can help me here. i watched & listened to obama & i read his transcript however, i'm puzzled as to how he plans to do for america in the next 4 years what he couldn't do in the last 4...&, i'm equally as puzzled because the past 4 years of his policies have not worked & he's saying he wants to implement those same plans for the next 4 years.......PLEASE TELL ME WHAT I'M MISSING! PLEASE TELL ME I MUST HAVE GONE TO THE BATHROOM & MISSED HIS 'OUTLINED' PLAN FOR OUR FUTURE!

while his speech was rich in motivation, it was just as lacking in details (something they said of gov romney's speech). a vast number of claims he made will be disproved in the next few days...for that matter, several already have.

look, i'm going to continue this but, i want you to read it for yourselves---this is a part of his transcript...

   "After a decade of decline, this country created over half a
million manufacturing jobs in the last two and a half years.

And now you have a choice:  we can give more tax breaks to

corporations that ship jobs overseas, or we can start rewarding

companies that open new plants and train new workers and create

new jobs here, in the United States of America.  We can help big
factories and small businesses double their exports, and if we
choose this path, we can create a million new manufacturing jobs
in the next four years.  You can make that happen.  You can
choose that future."

Read more:

well, that should say it all. if you support obama, you should be standing up & clapping & telling me to 'shut the hell up'...only you can't because the truth belies what obamas trying to tell you. the biggest problem with this is; obama knows he's lying to you & hopes 'idiots' like me can't find the 'TRUTH', let's start with money & jobs being shipped overseas:::::::::::::
&, before you say the repubs are lying about it, read this...

next is: if you've a business here & overseas, you get taxed & overseas. that's the same as buying a watch in germany & paying a tax there & when you return to america, uncle sam charges you another tax...what's fair about that?

next is: opening new plants here...obamas own business unfriendly policies & regulations have really kept that from happening. what a very sad joke.......

next is: obama started a 'jobs training' program that ended up being a big waste of money & that's a fact.

next is: our 'trades' agreements under obama have hurt us deeply because they are so one sided favoring imports verses exports. we have more coming in from china then going out to china.

next is: obama said we can create a million news jobs in the manufacturing sector in the next 4 years. HOW? his own regulations are hurting them as it is & he won't even suspend any of them. however, on another note: what's a million jobs over he next 4 years when 24 million people are out of work or underemployed?

be honest with yourselves...obama knew about todays jobs numbers before he read his speech & never even tried to prepare america that the news would not be encouraging or good. &, another thing, obama seems to go of his way to ignore when he was sworn into office & only uses jobs numbers after his first year. he campaigned in 2008 for this job & he knew then how badly he & pres clinton  (along with others) had really hurt this country---just google CRA & then google obama sued citibank. his job count has to start from day one. now, if you're stupid enough to say his job count should only start in his 2nd year, then pres bush's last year should not count against him...but, you don't want to hear that....

&, before you give obamas foreign policy props, you might want to look a little deeper into it & try to be honest when you do. pres bush's policies have kept us safe & all obama did was continue them. sec of state, hilary clinton is all over the world however, let me ask you this: what has obama done to sustain world peace? north korea & iran are still hellbent on making their own nukes; we've slapped all of our allies in the face; we've allowed russia & china to team up militarily & trade wise; russia has threatened us with retaliations if we use force in syria; we helped start the 'arab spring' & several country's have fallen to the muslim islamists; obama has lost all respect with arab leaders because of his stand on 'same sex marriage'; cuba is still up in the air; we promise aid to country's hit with disasters but don't fully deliver; we blew off canada; we promised brazil dollars for their oil but can't produce our own; NEED I GO ON????

oh, i see what i missed in obamas speech::::stupid me...yes, more teachers, more firemen, more policemen, more infrastructure jobs spending, more jobs training programs, & more green technology investments...that's the answer & i missed it. i am so sorry for wasting your time america thinking obama didn't have the solutions to our problems...i was using that 'stinkin thinkin' that obama had brand new ideas to actually help the middle class that is getting poorer by the day.

oh yeah, i almost forgot, let's make the rich pay their fair share (top 20% of wage earners which comes out to about 8.5 billion dollars a year which is just about enough to run our fed gov't for 1 stinking day). yeah, let's do that so those 46-47 million americans can continue to receive gov't handouts.

well, to sum it up, you can jump up & clap for obama but hey: you didn't hear crap about how we're going to get our federal debt under control; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to downsize our gov't; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to reform our entitlements programs; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to bring down the costs of healthcare; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to elevate the poverty stricken to a better lifestyle; you didn't hear crap about how you're going to keep food on your table; you didn't hear crap about how you're going to be able to keep your home from foreclosure; you didn't hear crap about how we can keep gas prices down; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to rid our schools of drugs, gangs & violence; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to make our borders safer; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to break the'gridlock' in washington; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to put americans back to work; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to teach our children to become smarter; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to take the corruption out of gov't; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to help america regain her #1 standing in the world; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to make america safer; you didn't hear crap about how we're going to mandate that media outlets only report the absolute truth; you didn't hear crap about who is going to pay for students to attend colleges if they can't personally afford them; you didn't hear crap from obama about why GOD & israel were left out & later approved (even after the dem delegate vote which was against allowing it); you didn't hear crap from obama about why these past 4 years were good for this country; you didn't hear crap about why it's okay to circumvent congress, the constitution & laws of this country; you didn't hear crap about todays job numbers which obama knew before his speech; you didn't hear crap about same sex marriages; you didn't hear any apoligies or acknowledgements of failures from obama; you didn't hear crap about opening our lands & waters for energy production; you didn't hear anything about transparency; you didn't hear anything about an open & honest gov't; you didn't hear crap about the vast number of scandals that have rocked obamas admin; &, you didn't hear crap about about his closing gitmo....................

which brings me back to this: just what in the hell did obama really tell you?

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