Sunday, September 23, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   it's quiet until tomorrow...

good people, do you honestly think this country would have gone to hell in a handbag had obama not intervened? if gm had of gone through bankruptcy, like ford did, would that have been the end of them? if our states hadn't been 'bailed out', would we no longer have had teachers? if obama hadn't bailed out chrysler, wouldn't it still be an american owned company?

you & i both know that america would have recovered on her own. if there had been no intervention, our economy would have bottomed out & we'd have bounced back & have a hell of a lot more to show for it then we do now. if anything, obama is more of a hindrance then a helper.

america was like a drug addict &, despite all the promises, when you give an addict more money, they're going to buy more drugs. you can't 'make' a drug addict give up drugs---they have to want to stop on their own & hey, NEWS FLASH, it usually happens after they hit rock bottom & then they become productive members of our society.

we have not hit rock bottom because of obamas intervention so, we will continue falling because we are still craving & using our drugs. until we are ready to give up our drugs, we are going to be at the hands of our drug councilor's (obama & our politicians). &, their way of helping us stop using drugs is to give us more money...

by the way, we're addicted to all those things we can't afford without going into debt, whether it be that new house, that new car, those name-brand clothes & footwear, weekly visits to the beauty parlor, partying, vacations (&, everyone of you know this one), that young kid on the block with that $700 hoopti, that always needs a jump-start, & yet, it has that $2,000 stereo system in it that rattles the windows & sets off other car alarms when it passes by. &, we have those big-assed tv's sitting in the living room that we just have to make the payments on (no matter what). &, you all know somebody like this; when they go out, they  have on on that expensive clothing & jewelery & yet, their kids have dirty faces, cheap clothes & holes in their sneakers. i actually know family's that struggle with enough food for the month & yet they always find ways to buy cigarettes & expensive vodka....&, many of you know this person::: every other week she changes her hair color or weave & yet, she's always asking for a few dollars to buy tampons....

we have become addicted to living above our means &, to give us more money so we can continue in our addiction is wrong. i know family's that can't wait for that next welfare check & when they get it, they're broke 3 days later...same with the food stamps & yet, they have soda & cheese doodles up the butt & they never have enough meats & staples...true facts!

america, we need help, not a hand out. another way of putting it is so accurate..."give a man a fish & you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish & you feed him for a lifetime"...

good people, it's time for you to stand up & hold those that are not helping us accountable. obama ran around this country telling us we needed his stimulus bill 'immediately', 'right now' & then he went on to say this, 'the stimulus did everything it was designed to do. it came in ahead of schedule & under budget'...CHALLENGE ME, I CAN POST THE ACTUAL VIDEO LINKS & YOU CAN SEE & HEAR IT FOR where have you heard obama say it will take more then 1 term to turn our country around however, he's now saying he's told you time & time again that he needed more then 1 term...if obama had of told you he needed 8 years to get our country right, you'd have voted for hilary or john mccain...

ask yourself this: what is honestly holding back business's from hiring? when you find that answer, ask yourself this: who's at fault? we've had 4 years under obama & this is as far we come???

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