Saturday, July 7, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   how can obama say we're going in the right direction? what part of 'stagnant job growth' does he not understand? does he still refuse to see that his regulations are hurting us? when will he realize his past economic policy's for this country did not work? why is not looking at the 'numbers of truth'??? & here they are: may/69,000 new jobs--june/80,000 new jobs=only 11,000 more new jobs & the unemployment rate remains at is that going in the right direction?

ask black america if we're going in the right direction? blacks are the hardest group of american people hit by obamanomics & obama, the media outlets &, the 'so-called' civil rights leaders don't even speak about it. so, let's go back to the 'numbers of truth' for black americans---may/13.6%--june/14.4%---why is the black american unemployment rate rising & obama says we're going in the right direction?

good people, i did not intend to turn this into a racial debate however, as a black american, i am concerned with my people & the silence of the voices that usually speak the loudest. our 'so-called' civil rights leaders recently held a news conference in support of attorney general, william holder, regarding the 'fast & furious' house of reps contempt charges against him & yet, no news conference for the vast amount of black americans unemployed? obama doesn't even bring black america up in his speeches to america. do you mean to tell me that there is not one big media outlet out there big enough to tell all of america that black americans are hurting the most in the jobs markets?

on the other hand, all of the above are so quick to applaud obamas efforts to help america...the last time i looked, black people were a part of america &, if giving them food stamps & extending their unemployment benefits is the best obama can do for them, we are in bigger trouble then even i thought. black people don't need gov't handouts, they need jobs just like the rest of america &, more importantly, they deserve to be treated as fairly as the rest of america.

obama expects blacks to vote for him &, i'm here to tell them that they are making a big mistake however, it is their vote...obama signed a bill into law in february that nobody talks about that will have an effect on all americans, especially blacks & that is, basically, if you're receiving unemployment comp, you're going to have to 'prove' you went out & 'looked' for gainful employment or you will either have your checks interrupted &/or cut off. &, most states are starting to make 'welfare recipients' do the same with the same results. but, don't take my word, google it for yourselves....

i've been saying since 2008 that obama is no good for america & he's no good for the women or the vets of this country either---don't listen to what you hear---google it for yourselves. & no, i am not 'blindly' supporting gov mitt romney---i am supporting his ability to put america back to work & that's a great thing for all americans.

sorry america, almost for got to include this link from obama & company that backs up my writing.....

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