Monday, July 16, 2012


hello america, just posted this on my facebook page............

i know you don't want to see this but i'm putting it here anyway...obama is really hurting our country & a lot of you simply read the headlines & that's it. so, i'll be that 'uncle tom' or 'house negro' or anything else you may call me such as 'HATER'---however, i will not 'BLINDLY' support somebody for anything simply based on the color of their skin...this was supposed to be the 'era' of hope & change & yet, blacks lead the country in unemployment with latino's second; latino's lead the country in foreclosures with blacks second. a lot of you get upset & emotional when you have to defend your support for obama & yet, you don't know your history. pres clinton & obama had a direct hand in our country's downfall long before pres bush was in office &, the pro-democrat media outlets have been trying to shield both from the negativity of their actions---just google 'clinton & CRA' & then google 'obama sued citibank'. i knew & blogged about this in 2008 & tried to put all the 'facts' out there however, a lot of you refused to even look at them. you jumped on that 'it's all pres bush's fault' & yet, very few of you actually know the facts---google 'bush warns congress about fannie mae & freddie mac'---when obama offers you 'food stamps' instead of jobs, your ears should have stood up...there's a little spoke about movement within his admin to build more gov't healthcare centers to service 1.3 million new enrollments by the end of next year that have nothing to do with 'obamacare'. &, before you tell me the repubs are holding america back from working, google the 30 house of reps passed jobs related bills just awaiting action in the dem controlled senate. good people, those that really know me know that i just don't put stuff out there without being able to back it up with documented facts---i can back up everything that i say & what's more, i can & have proved that obama is a liar. all you have to do is challenge me on whatever i write about however, you better have your facts facts in order &, i'm here to tell you, dey aint out der. is gov mitt romney the man? hell, we may never know because all obama wants to do is attack him on issues that are not pertinent to his qualifications on leading us & that's all you hear or see. &, the pro-obama biased media love it because obama doesn't have to answer to why this county is doing so poorly.......all that said, i do believe that gov mitt can put america back to work &, that alone will put the fed gov't in a position to pay down on our deficit. obama has already said that he's promising you 4 more years...DON'T EACH & EVERY ONE OF YOU DESERVE BETTER? please feel free to comment however, please be nice because i have young ones on here....thank you.

1 comment:

  1. correction for 1.3 million people by end of next year to within 2's the article here
