Thursday, June 21, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   when will obama step up & do the right thing to put america back to work? his regulations are killing the market along with the tax uncertainty...&, his present plans of 'more of the same' for the next 4 years does not instill any faith.

now i know obama wants to 'bail' out the teacher's, firemen, & policemen & this article is good reason for one to support obamas plan---see here---  however, the states/city's/county's got into this mess by spending too much, expanding gov't, union contracts &, collecting less tax revenue. bailing them out is wrong & just delays what has to be allowed to occur. they have to clean up their own acts without fed bailouts.

for far to long, we have sat idly by & allowed our elected officials do with our money as they wish & now, it's caught up with us. &, instead of us voting them out of office, we continued to allow them to govern. it is far past the point to blame this one or that one, collectively, we are all at fault. that said, we need to vote for people that will do the right thing for our interests...shrink gov't; spend less; rewrite the contracts; &, encourage job growth.

to bail out the public sector at the expense of the private sector is wrong. the states/city's/county's will only need another bailout down the road. they must be allowed to clean up their own mess & we'll pick up the chips later. yes, we'll have to do with less services & public worker's but, that is the only way we can even attempt to get our fiscal houses in order. if obama simply gives them another round of bailouts, they'll do what they've been doing---nothing. they'll be able to retain all or most of the public workers & the problem will still be there when all the money is gone & they'll be back doing what is happening all over america.

i am not a union buster but, in these times, unions are not productive within our gov't on any level, especially when they are not willing to pay their own fair share for their own healthcare coverage or pension plans. wisconsin & others got that part right...even democrat controlled illinios.

hey, obama wants 4 more years & then you have his number 1 'number-cruncher' coming out & saying this
you already know the jobs situation however, if you read the last paragraph of the article, it should prove that obamas stimulus did not work........................................

obama should read this & apply the methodology to the fed gov't...........

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