Saturday, May 12, 2012


hello america!!! i'm going to post this daily so you'll know something about actual job layoffs, company bankruptcy's &, company closings........& after it, i'll do my talking on whatever the subject.........

while the above is not as bad as it could be, it's bad enough &, it just continues to strengthen the argument that obamas stimulus did not/is not/& will work. to let obama tell it, his stimulus did its job---all you have to do is look at the unemployment numbers & the number of people that stopped looking for work, the homes that are still being lost (obama was just talking about congress re-doing something to keep people in their homes), 'green' company's are still losing our money, teacher's are still being laid off &, food stamps/public welfare lines are getting longer. so, maybe's it me but, i fail to see what worked. plus, i might add, banks still aren't loaning out money.

speaking of banks, morgan chase just lost 2 billion dollars & boa (bank of america) is about to layoff a lot of people as are others within the banking industry.

it almost been 4 years on obamas watch & he honestly has extremely little to show for it. he is so quick to talk about everything & anything but the state of the economy. so, it's no wonder all we're hearing about at present is his decision to support same sex marriages. &, is it any wonder that the gay community & their supporters are jumping for joy? well, here we have a huge problem that will expose obama for what he really is---a fake. he supports the same sex marriages while at the same time saying it's up to the individual states....obama has been interfering with individual states from the beginning & 'forcing' federal authority on them whenever they went against his agenda. he's even been suing them to conform to his why, wouldn't someone that's for same sex marriages balk at trying to make it a national right? he supports same sex benefits at the top level but not same sex marriages:::::something's very wrong here...&, america, you know i'm right, after all, this is the same person that abolished 'don't ask-don't tell' so, why not make same sex marriages allowable in all of the united states????????

before you hand obama the peace prize realize he's just using you & this gay platform for the vote....& then you have this.........

hmmm, ever wonder who's in control of the military??????????

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