Saturday, April 28, 2012


hello america!!! if i had to choose between obama & gov mitt romney to fight next to me, i would, & will, choose mitt every time. obama is a not the man a lot of you think he is &, all you have to do is look at what he says one day & watch what he does afterward.

latest case-in-point is the dem ad in regards to obama giving the okay to kill bin laden. if obama supports this, then he's a bigger punk then i first thought. after all, obama said we shouldn't be grandstanding or doing end zone dances.

good people, before i continue, i need somebody, & i don't care who it is, to tell me exactly which 'policy' obama actually put in place to allow our special forces to kill bin laden or, are they going to tell me that bin ladens death can be directly attributed to the policy's of pres bush? &, don't worry, i have plenty of time to await your answer &, don't forget to pack a lunch & stay hydrated while you search....

while i am glad that bin laden is gone, i can't boast about it, i can't grandstand about it, i can't do end zone dances about it &, i can't even see the pictures of his why would obama allow/approve/accept an ad placing all the glory squarely on his own shoulders?

this is why we have 'grid-lock' in washington. obama is so quick to jump on the 'good' things that come out of congress & then vilify them when they can't agree on something...he wants 'everything' to go his way & yet, he can't even get his own party to get on board with everything he wants.

&, if i'm not mistaken, obamas going to sit down with msnbc (what a surprise) next week to discuss the bin laden raid. talk about patting your own back!!!

america, the msnbc thing is smoke-screen. obama can sit down & discuss bin laden but, the discussion most americans want him to have is concerning the economy &, more specifically, a discussion on where are the jobs...

one doesn't have to attend a 'so-called-top-notch' college to know that this country is really struggling. (by the way, if harvard really thinks that obama is the best thing they ever produced, we need to rethink how we grade colleges) the federal government is out of control & out of touch. it doesn't care what we think or how we feel---it lives for itself...&, the so-called man at the top of it is so busy telling you he deserves another four years & yet, he can't tell you why.

obama was 'hired' to fix the economy that he had a direct hand in collapsing long before pres bush was elected (i triple dog dare you to ask me for proof) &, he has failed miserably. this was the man that promised you 'change'; he had all of those slick answers to help us in our time of need; he was the most capable of all the candidates; he hired the best of the best to surround himself with while they figured how to get us out of this mess he 'supposedly' inherited.

so, why are we worse off now then prior to obama being elected? his stimulus was supposed to start working immediately; obamacare was supposed to help us immediately; cash-4-clunkers was supposed to help us immediately; the housing market bailout was supposed to help us immediately; the first time home owners tax credit was supposed to help us immediately; the auto bailout was supposed to help us immediately; the bank bailout was supposed to help us immediately; financial loans to 'green' company's was supposed to help us immediately---THEY ALL FAILED...& the best he can respond with is: i guess those shovel ready jobs weren't so shovel ready, the economy was worse off then we thought, pull your bootstraps up, quit your complaining & keep on marching, tighten your belts...these were his responses to his failures. &, through it all, he blamed pres bush & everything else...

if this is the kind of leader that america needs/wants, then this country is in a very unsafe place within herself. i want a leader that will tell me the truth...hey knowitall, i tried the stimulus & it didn't work so i'm going to try this...obama won't even do this...he does not acknowledge his failures...

obama is running around the country asking for 4 more years....1st, i need to know what he's done to deserve 4 more years & 2nd, i haven't heard him put forth any plans for how he will get us out of this mess.

what's sad is, there are those of you that see no fault with obama so, allow me to ask you this:::what has he done to make your life, your family's life, your friends life &, american life better? oh, that's right, he gave you food stamps & extended unemployment benefits...(by the way, those in pennsylvania on food stamps should be getting a letter telling you what the new asset limits are)....

america, it's a shame that a so-called leader would rather give you the above then give you a job & yet, he'll fight tooth & nail for the unions.....

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