Friday, April 27, 2012


hello america!!! part 1 took you through my 1st 13 years of life...this is part 2::::::::::::

i don't remember the month but, shortly after turning 13, i stood before a judge (with my dear father & a lawyer) who told me i was a juvenile delinquent & placed me in the george jr republic (freeville, ny) which was/is a co-ed place for wayward children. this is a place that is run just like the good ole usa except it's run by the kids & this is where my interests in politics took hold<><>actually, i was more involved with breaking the rules then following them...looking back at it, the system was set up just like our government is could vote for the president on down; we had our kid police, etc & we had to work to earn money in order to buy what we needed from the campus store...well, that was okay with me because many of you have heard my motto:::if i didn't have enough, then you had too much (by the way, that's what got me there in the 1st place) & i didn't mind taking yours. the house-parents oversaw everything &, they were pretty cool. the whole thing was really good & little did i know then that a lot of what i learned about politics would come from there.

i used to 'runaway' a lot & go home only to be picked up & returned &, i don't know when i was officially released from there but at 16/17 years old, i was serving a 4 year sentence in sing sing prison thanks to my good ole motto which never failed me---kept my life adventurous---my father had remarried & moved to brooklyn ny (we still have the house) paroled after a year & some change, said the hell with it & ended up in baltimore, md (all i remember is drinking that gypsy rose & smoking that cali red, stole a bike & came to my senses in b-more. got a job at the k-o gas station on fayette & caroline, did something stupid (my motto again), got caught but got away with it but ny had a warrant out on me & they came & got me & i ended up in comstock (great meadows correctional facility in upper ny) which is a maximum security prison. after some time, i was reparoled to nyc & somehow (purely accidental) stayed out of trouble long enough to finish my parole------&, it really felt good to be off paper.

for the next several years, my job was playing handball & yes, don't mind telling you that i was very good. myself, connie, ace & monk had a circuit & we would go to all the parks & play for money. we ruled lincoln terrace park for years. actually, i met my 1st & only wife (even though we are divorced) &, she was also pretty good at handball. somehow i proposed to her in st john's park & joined the army in july 1974 & we got married in dec 1974....

to be continued........................................................................

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