Monday, March 19, 2012


hello america!!! do these words sound familiar"tighten your belts" & "quit your complaining"??? those are words uttered by obama in reference to these dire times. well, you have to know about all the lavish holidays he & his family have been on during these same dire times...but this is a surprise

there are several things that bother me concerning this::::::::::::25 secret service people & police at whose expense &, why do they have to 'guard' the 12 friends---is that at our expense also?

america, you've called me a lot of things because of my writings concerning obama but, you have never proven my writings wrong &, i don't see this writing as being wrong either.

how many people that have lost their job or, had a family member to lose theirs, can afford this vacation? how many of you can afford to bring along 12 friends? &, don't forget, you have to pay for all that 'protection' &, no, they don't accept 'food stamps'............................

america, you better wake up--------obama tells you to 'buy' america & then sells you all of those 'energy saving' lightbulbs made in china. obama tells you that we must 'stop' our jobs from being shipped overseas & then rewards philips (most of their work is done outside of our borders) a 10 million dollar prize for inventing an 'energy saving' light bulb that will cost you $50.00 each.

good people, i really don't care what you call me or what you think of me as long as i can get you to read the truth---even if you do choose to ignore it...obama is not for you, what more proof do you need?

you, just buy america but i'm sending my daughter to mexico for her vacation...&, even though she's only 13 years old, i packed some condoms for her in case they can't find any down there!!!!!!!!

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