Sunday, March 4, 2012


hello america!!! what is it going to take for the 'pro-obama-biased-media' & his 'blind supporters' to realize he is not the one??? the liberal media won't print anything too negative about him, his policy's, or agenda's, &, they have to see what he's doing to this country. his supporters seem to hang on every word he utters & when you question them, most of them respond with, "other presidents have done the same thing". DID THEY NOT GET THE MESSAGE THAT THIS WAS THE ADMINISTRATION OF CHANGE? how can you still support anyone that ran on a platform of 'change' but, whenever something goes wrong, they still refer to the past precedents?

a lot of you obama-holics supported obama because he wanted to close 'GITMO'...well, you'd have to admit your pretty 'stupid' if you don't know he "FAILED" to do that & no, the repubs had nothing to do with that failure. fact is, obama & the dems had clear sailing to close it in his first two years the same way they crammed the stimulus & obamacare down our throats without needing the repub votes...well, to make a long story short, obama not only failed to close gitmo, he is now building the 'detainees' a $750,000 soccer field with your money...aren't you glad our economy is doing so well that we can afford to make our gitmo prisoners happy?
here's a link.......

while you mull that over, let's go a step further...obama wanted to close gitmo because he deemed it 'cruel' & 'unamerican' because we 'water-boarded' them & other things.......well, DON'T GET MAD AT ME FOR POINTING THIS OUT, which of the following is not american???? sitting in a jail awaiting for your day in court or, killed on the spot without having a chance to defend yourself????

obama wants it both ways & he should be held can't blame pres bush for water-boarding & then go out & kill the same enemy without the benefit of a trial...yes, i'm glad they got bin laden &, i'm all for water-boarding or whatever methods we have to use to save american cannot be against one & then embrace the other....

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