Thursday, March 15, 2012


hello america!!! i have 14 family & friends on my facebook that seem to support obama. my question is why? what has he done for you, your children or, your grandchildren? i am always answered this way::::he can't undo overnight what others have built up for eons; he's only one man; give him time; congress doesn't like him because he's black; others before him did what he's try to rationally answer my question:::what has he done for you, etc, etc, etc?????

now before you brand me an 'uncle tom', i am extremely glad that america voted in a black man to the highest position in this great nation-----my problem was & is, it was obama. &, before you try to rip my head off, let me tell you why.....

obama is not for the good of this nation...never has been/never will be. you all jumped on that bash pres bush band wagon & you ate that 'CHANGE' crap up &, you voted for someone i don't think you would leave your children with unattended. most of america (because of the pro-obama biased news media) never got to know who obama is or where he came from. you heard & read the 'headlines' & that's as far as you got. i, due to my leisure time, was able to find out things for myself...

case-in-point::::obama blames pres bush for all of our economic problems but, what if i told you that obama had a direct hand in our downfall--------you'd want proof & then you wouldn't accept it because you have your minds made up....i'm going to give it to you anyway....obama & others like him sued banks to make sub-prime loans (under the guise of CRA---wonder how many of obamas supporters know about it or, even care to) to people that couldn't afford to repay those loans; fannie mae & freddie mac ended up with those unpaid loans &, when all the math caught up with them, the rest is history. so, what does obama do, he blames pres bush & continues to do so & you, you don't even bother to check it out...the fact of the matter is<><><>obama &, others like him, helped put us in this mess----SEE HERE... 
&, if you actually saw the date of the law suit, you'd know that pres bush had nothing to do with it...but obama blames him anyway.........well, if you wish to look at something that will show you that obama is a liar, look at this... 

&, if you look at the date pres bush first tried to do something about fannie & freddie, you'll see who opposed him, & just think, we have obamacare, we have the dodd-franks bill that no business wants or needs &, we still have harry reid rejecting everything the repubs come up with...

i've been doing this writing before obama was elected &, i have a lot of data that most of you don't take the time to research for's this for a headline??? OBAMA WENT TO THE SAME CHURCH FOR 20 YEARS & WHEN QUESTIONED ABOUT THE HATEFUL PREACHING BY REV WRIGHT, HE SAID HE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT HE HAD BEEN PREACHING ABOUT...THAT ALONE SHOULD HAVE SET OFF WARNING BELLS........


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