Sunday, June 19, 2011


hello america!!! i've been waiting for quite some time for obama to open this opportunity up for me & here it is::::

i already know that some of you will say that all of the following is 'hitting below the belt' & that i should leave obamas kids out of it but, he opened his mouth & all i'm doing is voicing my opinion backed up by the facts.

obama, i can only wonder what you will tell your daughters when they are old enough to think for themselves & do for themselves. can you imagine how they're going to react when they discover what you've been hiding from them because i don't think you're man enough or father enough to have been telling them the truth when you've been tucking them into bed?

you're going to go down in history as our worst president ever &, if they ever get the chance to 'research' you like i've done, you're going to have a lot of explaining to do.

the only 'good' thing you've done for this country is give the final okay for bin laden to be taken out. however much i agree with that decision, it was still murder (& you were a lawyer) & you can't sugar-coat it. how do you explain that (in the name of 'good fathering') to your two daughters without lying?
how do you tell them that you decided that bin laden had to die without the benefit of 'due process? since you said the pics of bin laden are too graphic for us to view i know where your mindset is & there's no way you can prove me wrong. chances are, your daughters have been shielded from this type of news & i know you won't let them watch foxnews.

what do you tell your daughters when they discover just how badly you hurt this great nation? how have you prepared them to handle your lying to america?

assuming they will go to college, they are in for a rude awakening because they are going to find out the truth about you & it's not good. they are going to find out that 'daddy' wasn't & isn't as great as he pretends to be. obama, you've screwed these girls because they are (naturally) going to 'protect' your image as grow older. the problem with that is, they'll be protecting a liar & an un-american.

obama, you've set the ball in motion & can't stop it now. how does it feel to know that although you were elected to the highest office in the land, your daughters will discover that you were & are a dismal failure. fathering is more then just being there & coaching their sports team----it has a lot more to do with being truthful to them.

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