Thursday, May 19, 2011


hello america!!! before i get into what i really want to talk about, let me say this: the left-wing liberals really need to get a life...hilary clinton decides not to run for office & that's okay with them---if you noticed, nothing negative was said about her decision. however, there is a certain representative that has decide not to run for the senate & the left-wingers call him 'chicken'. i'm talking about congressman paul ryan. i don't understand the 'name-calling'. with all the dems that aren't seeking re-election & all of those deserting obamas administration, why does the kettle continue to call the pot black?

good people, yesterdays news about the 500 plus mexicans caught trying to enter this country illegally just reinforces why we need stronger border security. fortunately, they never made it into our country.

america, obama just finished saying that fewer foreigners are trying to get here illegally & then we have 513 people caught in two 18 wheelers trying to get in. he just doesen't get it. &, those 'super smart idiots' surrounding him don't get it either. supposedly, the mexican government discovered the people in the trucks during a routine truck inspection using 'x-rays'---something we americans frown upon---we call it a 'privacy invasion'....can you remember all that 'airport security crap' when the airlines opted for 'x-ray' machines? we made quite a stink. i now ask you, why? regardless of how you may feel, the bottom line is to keep us all safer & if it takes the so-called 'x-ray' machines to do it, what's the problem?

we cannot put a price on our freedom & there shouldn't be anything that will keep us safe objectionable. that being said, body frisks should only be done when nothing else is working.

so, yes obama, as usual, you're very wrong. regardless of our economic problems, we are still the greatest nation on this planet in spite of the direction you're trying to take us. &, that being said, out-siders will always try to enter us illegally---what part of that don't you understand? are you really that blind? what hurts me the most as an american is, these are the very same people you want to offer instant citizenship to. you don't want to finish the border fence: you don't want to put more troops on the grounds there: &, you don't want to give the states along the borders more can you even say you're american because your action are not.

obama, it's really simple---fix our borders....

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