Sunday, October 11, 2009


hello america! it doesn't matter how much i want to ignore politics, i continue to be drawn into the fray. so, with that being said, allow me to continue in my own way...

it seems that wolf blitzer (cnn) & chris mathews (msnbc) are not as pro-obama as they once were. it took a longer time then needed for them to get around to report the news the way it actually is & not the way they want to slant it. i can only hope that they continue to report the facts & let the american people decide for themselves.

the following are several areas i wish they would become more involved in (in their reporting)..........

A.....who really stood to profit if the olympics had of ended up in chicago because of obamas intervention? & please, don't run that crap about the city reaping the benifits...if glen beck (foxnews) can unravel it, they can also--if they choose to; can obama campaign on 'an open & honest government' & then have nothing to say about charles rangel? why is he allowing this 'so-called' investigation to drag on so quietly & slowly? why hasn't he ordered his hand-picked ag to do an investigation? &, on the other side of that, he opened the can of worms about pres bush's cia opps & gitmo. it true that the doctors that posed with obama this week were given smocks by the wh & that they weren't allowed to interact with obama?
D.....why are banks still failing? can any of the media be content with the unemployment numbers obamas puts out? there are several factors that he doesn't even want to talk about:::such as: those that didn't earn &/or work long enough to qualify for benifits; those that worked 'under-the-table'; those that have had their benifits expire; those that didn't file because of pride &/or having a nest-egg; those that are illegal aliens.
F.....can obama name all his czars, define their rolls & payscales?
G.....obama campaigned on getting rid of the federal programs that don't work. in the 8 months he's been there, what has he gotten rid of?
H.....we all heard obama say what a great bailout his 'cash-for-clunkers' program was but, exactly how badly did it hurt gm & chrysler? ford was in the top 5 surrounded by toyota.
I.....this one is directly connected to H...if obama was telling the truth about gm & chrysler, why does gm have to close 2,400 dealerships & chrysler has to close 300 plus?'s people like obamas aunt in mass. that are helping to hurt americans. why hasn't obama gotten her taken off of food stamps & kicked out of public housing? she has another hearing scheduled (jan 2010) & yet, she's been ordered out of the country several times prior to this. what is the delay in deporting her?
K.....obama campaigned on 'reaching across the isle'. why is he only inviting democrats to the wh to discuss the economy? 8 months obama has not spoken about the plight of the 'inner city people'. it seems that he has avoided this subject deliberately &, i can't recall his doing any phote opps in those areas.
M.....obama can call a cops actions "stupid" right after he admitted not having all the facts &, he called jamie fox a "jackass" & yet, not one word about david letterman....hmmm---things that make you go HMMM.
N.....since obama said the people he nominated to his cabinet were the most qualified, how come he can't get them all together & write his own bills & then present them to congress?
O.....we all know obama had/has ties to acorn but, if one is to beleive in him, shouldn't he be more forceful in calling for a complete investigation of them or, is he afraid of what may come out?
P.....we also know obama is a 'union man' & he has gone out of his way to support them. his support for 'card-check' would help the unions & cripple middle-class america. has he any idea what damage unionizing walmart or target, etc, would do to america?
Q.....even i realize that we have to take better care of 'MOTHER EARTH' but even obama has to know that his 'cap & trade' bill will hurt america. 'taxing' company's will only results in higher costs for the consumers---that's us.
R.....obamas promise of transparency is now a joke. how come no one tries to hold him to it or question him about it?
S.....another obama promise no one speaks about is his promise not to hire lobbyists. how can the media not grill this guy on his broken promises?
T.....obamas healthcare bill is going to hurt seniors by cutting some of the services they now receive. if anything, we should be doing more for them. didn't obama say this wouldn't happen? also, how can you charge/tax/fine people that may not be able to afford healthcare costs? &, how can you say you won't provide healthcare for illegal aliens when you don't write anything into the bill that would require them to produce valid id? (didn't do it in the 'CHIPS' program either. as important as obama has made this issue, if you were to ask him right now if he would sign the bill immediately, i'll bet he'll tell you that he hasn't read it yet. that's how important it is....HMMM!!
U.....obama has been on tv & running around the world saying how great his stimulus bill was/ come nobody has asked him for specifics on what jobs were created & where. which teachers, fire & policemen were hired solely because of his bill. more importantly, if obamas bill is/was that great, how come congress is flirting with another 85 billion dollar stimulus bill? things that make you go....HMMM!!!...where are all the jobs this bill was supposed to create? i guess that obamas bill was so sucessful that corporations, hospitals, city halls are still down-sizing just for the fun of it. banks still aren't lending, people are still losing their homes & jobs are just not out here...
V.....nobody seems to talk about how much the bailed out industry's contributed to the democrats---thought i forgot about that? this why some recieved federal aid & others didn't.
W.....pennsylvania governor, ed rendel hosted the governors bash with obama in philly & pa, like every other state are having major problems despite recieving federal bailout funds---rendel still doesn't have a budget & it's long past due.
X.....not surprising is obama telling you that he wasn't going to sign all those pork-laden bills & then went & signed the federal budget bill (which was filled with pork-laden projects). hold him accountable. of obamas firsts acts after being sworn in was to use his executive privilege to lift the ban on american funds being used for overseas abortions & abortion education...guess we're doing better then we were told.
Z......i find the following incredible...our space program, nasa, is talking about laying off people. HMMM!! who would have thunk it?

america, i didn't mean to write all that---what's worse is, i could continue. there's gitmo, iraq, afghanistan, 'don't ask-don't tell'. however, i think you get my point.

our media needs to get to the bottom of all of the above issues...they have the outlet, the time, the money &, the resources. true, they may step on some toes but, wouldn't you rather have the truth intead of biased reporting????

jcr-10/7/2009-8:51pm est


  1. The uncomplicated fact is that E-Verify WORKS! And it is up, running and operational, so that illegal foreign workers other than a few using counterfeit documents will be discovered and eliminated from the workplace. It’s easy to understand why the Special interest lobbyists want it dropped, because it has grown in popularity and more sincere Pro-American companies are using it? Another simple fact is that its—SUCCEEDING! It is now hurting the elusive Council of Foreign Relations agenda to destabilize American workers and substitute even more cut-rate labor. The CFR are not even a government agency, but a Quasi agency that is a kind of sinister think tank. For years they have been formatting their power to undo the poorly built border fence, wreck inspections at airports, so millions more can pour into American and steal jobs. Nor does matter to the illicit ACLU, a communist inspired group or business consortium's, who owe no loyalty to US workers? It is a case of drowning America in low wage recruits, who are not just working in the fields, but janitors, fast food, factories, warehouses and higher paying jobs then citizens and legal employees realize?. AMERICAN WORKERS MUST MAKE A STAND. Anybody who legally displays the E-Verify sign should get the customers dollars, those who don't comply should be absolutely BOYCOTTED. I go to El Pollo Loco, but not to McDonalds-because I haven't seen the E-Verify sign yet? Same I only try to buy AMERICAN? But that is even becoming more indefinable, because many parts of products are imported in from cheap labor countries, killing our own manufacturing base. WE ARE SELF-INFLICTING OUR OWN WOUNDS?

    The same with not training our own workers and instead imported significantly more labor from other lands by the millions each year. Thus we cheat our own industries. We can beat this, by electing politicians who sign a--CONTRACT-- stating American workers come first? Not those just affirming an oath of office, since to many it's meaningless. These contracts can be published and shown to the public and the national media. We are cutting our own throats in so many ways, because many bona-fide US Americans don't bother to vote the political corruption--OUT OF OFFICE. Most of the lawmakers are out for gain, not truly there to protect the American poor, not protecting our vulnerable senior's, not even really protecting our military, if they even come home? With the health care reform as a major issue, then research you’re local, state of federal lawmaker and locate their screened interests in pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, insurance, billing companies or anything that exudes money? They are just coveting their own interests? THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE THE ULTIMATE POWER, TO STOP THIS TRAVESTY OF OUR IMMIGRATION LAWS.

  2. The pit of Vipers led by Sen. Harry Reid and joined by Liberal Democrat leaders last week--KILLED--by a vote of 61 to 38 shot down Senator Vitters amendment of that would have withdrawn federal funds to--SANCTUARY CITIES AND STATES. It is more taxpayer money being stolen to support illegal families, gang members and other heinous criminals who broached our laws. The IRS is actually extracting the money you earn, to take it in April, to support Anchor families included with the 20 million to thirty million people that should be ejected from our nation. Homeland security run by Napolitano is in deep collusion with sleaze that is catered to in Washington. Perhaps--just perhaps if we used public funding for election Campaigns for the politicians, it would assist in removing the corruption in DC, severing the lobbyists. Speaker of the House is another problem, who runs her vineyards with illegal foreign workers in CALIFORNIA. But that is just scratching the surface of both parties as they are perpetually involved in running the country for the globalists.

    Only if we stand together and demand E-Verify program, our uniformed police right to question and detain people of unauthorized immigration status 287 G? Hopefully next year Americans will see through the greed, in the Senate and house and start by--REMOVING--Sen. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Both have millions of illegal aliens living off taxpayers in California and Nevada. GO and investigate their immigration grading and every lawmaker at NUMBERSUSA website. Vote them out? WE MUST HAVE E-VERIFY AS A MANDATED LAW, SEN. HARRY REID SOLD US OUT TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. CALL YOUR LEGISLATORS TODAY AT 202-224-3121 and give them an ULTIMATUM. Businesses that hire the millions of illegal aliens are bleeding us dry, because we pay for the health care and education and for hundreds of thousands in the prisons. Your tax dollars are paying for warm cells and California has the largest proportion of any state. MAKE ENTERING AMERICA A CLASS ONE FELONY, LIKE OTHER DEVELOPED COUNTRIES. EVEN MEXICO YOU ARE DRAGGED INTO ONE OF THOSE REPUGNANT PRISONS.

    Now they want to push another BLANKET AMNESTY upon us. The Democrats have promised those already here a path to citizenship, that defies all logic. It means access to our health care reform instantly, totalization of social security with those from South of the border. It means sharing your retirement with the majority of foreign nationals who been sponging of Americans for decades. It means more welfare for the old, the indigent who will follow on, through chain migration. It means your living standards falling to that of third world existence. If Amnesty passes do you think for one minute that those without hope in other countries are—NOT--going to pour through our porous border? I'm getting old, but I fear for my son’s future, my family. I have my pensions, but where do you stand? Will you get a pension upon retirement? Our infrastructure has suffered, because we send our young people to fight foreign wars for special interests. For years those who supposedly embody us in Washington, have seriously neglected our road, rail, utilities and communications network. The special interests are the multi-national companies, who have no loyalty to America, the people or the US Constitution. Then there are the majority of our politicians, who have slowly succumbed to business handouts? The only thing they have any loyalty to, is filling their own bank accounts with campaign contributions and undisclosed lucrative gifts. DID AMERICA COME ALL THIS WAY TO SINK BELOW A LAYER OF GREED AND UNBELIEVABLE CORRUPTION IN WASHINGTON, SINCE THE TIME OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION?

  3. thank you brittanicus. i don't know where you stand with obama but, i do agree that we have the power to shape our direction. seemingly, the majority of americans only have time to read the headlines & make their decisions based solely on that. they don't do their own homework & are willing to settle for whatever sounds pleasing to their ears.
