Thursday, February 5, 2009


hello america! I find it very pathetic that obama is still trying to pressure the senate into passing his extremely flawed bill. that being said, i am extremely happy to see that it's just not the republicans that have problems with the bill but, also some of the democrats &, apparently, enough of them to hold up its passage.

in addition to the senate, there's you. all of the polls taken concerning this bill demonstrate that this bill is not for the good of this nation &, apparently your voice is being heard. obama must have his walkman on & can't find his glasses because he's not getting the message. isn't it wonderful to be told what's good for you even when everyone else knows it's not?

what's interesting about this situation is: when the bill first cleared the house, most americans were for it but, as the facts of the spending became known, the numbers for it have reversed. thank you america-thank you. you do have a say in what goes on in washington &, i encourage you to continue calling, writing or emailing your elected officials & when possible, visit them in person & tell how you feel about this bill & any other concerns you have about the way this country is run. you, not obama, has the power to change how business is done in washington. make your voice be heard. you spoke loud & clear electing obama & now you can speak loud & clear to your elected officials. with local & state elections looming on the horizon, they will take the time to listen &, if they don't, elect someone else. obama has 4 years to get it right-some of congress have 2 years left before re-election. they need your vote & you need them to do their job correctly---& that is---putting your best interests forward.

hold them all accountable &, again, i thank you.

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