Monday, February 23, 2009


hello america! by now you've awakened to the news that obamas 75 billion dollar bailout for homeowners is really a piece of crap---small wonder, huh? it seems that just 5 states are going to get the bulk of that money &, without knowing who they are yet, i'll bet you can find a big-named congressperson from that state attached to it. if you listen to what obama tells you-it sounds fine but, when he converts his words to actions, his actions are in dirrect conflict with his words. he said this 75 billion dollars was for those that played by the rules but, you are about to see that is not the case. this money will bailout more of those that havn't earned it. you shall see.

another problem with obamas bill is this: most states have welfare programs that 'force' able-bodied persons to seek employment or training for employment------however, if states accept this welfare money, they must revamp their programs to reflect that no able-bodied person has to seek employment. go figure......

citibank/citigroup, just after obama siad the government would not take it over, will bail them out again & take 40% control of it. this is partial nationalization-it is also an experiment & if it works, the other banks needing help will also fall into federal hands. i love it.

want more bad news---that group (acorn) that obama gave grants to, worked for, worked with &, sued citigroup for, is on the move again---they say that just because you can't afford your home is no reason to be kicked out of it. please bear in mind that obamas bill, which is now law, opens the door for them to recieve up to 4.5 million dollars of your money. happy aren't you?

surely, there can't be any more bad news, right? wrong! obama is going to unveil his budget plans &, i can tell you now, you are about to pay. it won't affect me because i'm going to hang up my working clothes. oh, one more thing..all those people living in those free rentals because of katrina, just got an extention from obama. why leave a rent free dwelling to go & find one you have to pay for?

obama, you truely are everything i thought you were. i'm sorry to see that you so fooled america but, i have no worry about you being elected another term...i have to just get through this one with your sorry butt.

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