Saturday, February 28, 2009


hello america! yesterday-feb 27-i went to walmart for printer ink replacements &, i went to home depot for a lock enhancer. both places were deserted. i mean there were people shopping but, not a lot of them. the food courts were totally empty &, you could park as close as you wanted to the main door.

now, the experts will say that this is a reflection of what obama is telling america but, i see it as a reflection of smart americans holding on to their dollars because they don't exactly know when our economy is going to turn around.

obama went around spreading his 'gloom & doom' crap & telling us that if his first bill wasn't passed that "we may never recover from this catastrophy". well, he signed that bill into law & nothing has changed for the better. in fact, our economy has continued to fall in spite of what he's been saying.

he stood in front of congress & gave his speech to america but, can you tell me what all he didn't say? if you saw it, read about it, were told about it or, just saw the news excerts on it, he sounded good. i'm a black american & if i wanted to join the KKK, i'd want obama as my voice---can't take that away from him no matter what--& guess what? i'd be marching with the grand wizard.

obama is a gifted talker & that helped propel him to the presidency---he is not a doer &, no where in his past records can you prove me to be wrong. he continues to bash george bush wrongly---in fact, he's been saying that he "inherited the war in iraq" &, you idiots go for it. how quickly you forget that he campaigned to be the HNIC of this war. that's just one thing, the other is, he blames bush for the war & yet, his number 2 & number 3 voted for the war. if both parties hadn't voted for the war, we would not be there---it's that simple but, you'll never hear obama say that:::::::NEVER:::::::he's not man enough to put the blame for the war where it should be & you don't hear any of the democrats saying they voted for the war either. &, THAT'S THE TRUTH.

another thing you continue to hear about from obama is george bush's failed economic policy & then he blames him for the mess we're presently in. not once has obama been honest with you about this subject. he knows bush tried to get stronger regulations & oversight for wall street & fannie & freddie but, he's not man enough to tell you that bush could not get it done because of girly boy barney franks, mr look-you-in-the-eyes harry ried, mr i-go-where-the-winds-blow- me chris dodd &, both parties. another thing punk obama won't won't tell you is that without bill clinton & CRA (look it up) he would never have been able to sue citigroup/bank to force them to make loans to people with less then good credit &, obama did this while working for ACORN.

&,CP, that is why we are in this mess now---bad loans to people that couldn't afford to repay them. you know about new yorkers flooding a-town to buy up the houses & live in them or rent them out. they did the same in bethlehem & easton. &, i know you saw them moving in one week & moving out within 2 months---let's keep it real.

america &, my buddy C. P. this is not new news---it is the news you refused to listen to when it first came up. & yes, it's going to bite you in the butt big-time.

anyway, back to obamas speech to america---it was masterfully delivered but, IT LACKED DETAIL. bro CP, you know i'm in the construction business & if i got on tv & told you about my wanting to come into your home & fix it up & paint it, you'd be happy. &, for you, I would do that---you're problems begin when you figure out how i'm going to be able to do it. i'm sorry that i didn't tell you that on tv but, you know it now & you voted me in to be the fixer-upper of bethlehem &, like it or not, you're stuck with me.

CP, america---obama is not good for this nation. it's that simple. many of you obamaholics are seeing that now but, i guess, better late then never is a good thing. oh, get your checkbooks out & ready (MAKE THEM OUT TO-I TOOK IT UP THE BUTT FOR NOT DOING MY HOMEWORK) because big businesses & the wealthy are not going to pay your way &, when obama signs his plans into law, everything in this country is going to cost you much more because, they will do less.


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