Saturday, January 31, 2009


hello america! tell me, don't you feel safer with the actual closing of gitmo in the very near future? i mean, after all, obama took an oath on a bible to protect & defend us. you trusted him enough when he was campaigning & telling you he was going to close gitmo so, trust him to come up with a plan to dump them in your backyard.

one of the biggest problem with jailing gitmoees in america is the repercussions that will come from the protesting in the communities their lodged in. the other problem is the influence they will have on the weak-minded american prisoners, who will one day be released to walk our streets again...another problem is the costs to the taxpayer in these dire times but, you really don't have to worry too much about this: obama & his crew will just get congress to print out some more money so as to increase our debt.

obama & his crew want to cut the budget for some of our weapon systems. based on obamas thinking, we'd still be in the dark ages. what weapon systems do we have that don't work? if obama had of been president when man came up with the idea of bullet proof glass & armored limos, he wouldn't be able to go anywhere safely.

our ability to produce our weapon systems & use them is what has kept us free & he wants to trample on that. however, i agree that to nuke a country is a terible thing but, if that's what it takes for us to remain AMERICA then so be it.

must have been that second swearing in that wasn't widely attended where obama didn't have to swear to the protect & defend thing.

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