Monday, January 26, 2009


hello america! I won't hold it against you for not wishing me a happy birthday however, i will accept belated presents & money.

one doesn't have to be an economic major to see that the obama & his crew are forcefully blowing smoke up our butts about their economic stimulus package. based on everything i have read or heard, the bill is going to be a big bust.

the very first government bailout hasn't done a bit of good for us &, the bailouts since the first one haven't worked. so, why spend nearly a trillion dollars more chasing a bad dream?

obama & crew have painted a very dim picture of our present economic problems &, they do not have the answers to fix them. their bailout is just another way of for them to spend our money as they see fit.

all this talk about infrastructure repair & building, along with the greenery of public buildings won't help us any time soon. little (small) business can only do so much for us in these dire times.

banks aren't lending, home owners are still losing their homes &, our big three (automakers) still cannot produce a vehicle to compete with the foreign car. &, just look at the amount of federal money these three sectors received &, obama wants to give them more? they all need more money---where will it stop?

big companies are massively downsizing, ceo's are still receiving there bonuses & perks, one bank received money & went & bought another bank & the plan for 'saving' the economy just won't work.

obama & his panal of experts have it wrong-bailing out the above named sectors & providing stability to small businesses won't stem the tide. obama & his crew keep saying they need to keep the small businesses afloat &, if you look at or hear the daily news, small businesses have nothing to do with the present economic problems...not a thing.


microsoft corp-laying off 5,000 people
intel corp-laying off 6,000 people
ual corp-laying off 1,000 people
home depot-laying off 7,000 people
sprint-laying off 8,ooo people (between now & end of this march)
caterpillar-laying off 20,000 people
pfizer (just bought drugmaker wyeth for $68 billion)-laying off 8,000 people.

55,000 people are losing their jobs, starting now or in the very near future &, all of this information has come in since this morning & it's only 9:42am/est-1/26/09 &, more jobs are forecast to be lost.

hold it-this just in...starbuck's-laying off 1,000 people.

how obama can put small businesses & our economic problems in the same paragraph is beyond me. if small businesses were the problem, we wouldn't have a problem. if several small businesses laid off workers it wouldn't even make the news---you know it & i know it &, we're being fed this crap from the obama camp about how small businesses are the backbone of this country & need this stimulus package. yeah, feed me burnt popcorn & sugarless koolade & then tell me it's a seven star dinner.

the banking, housing &, auto sectors are not small businesses & look at how much money they have alreadys received (& want more) & then, find yourself a small business that received some of that same bailout money. i can't hear you. surely, you must know of one-don't you?

america being the land of dreams, i'll bet none of those people being laid off saw this coming in '06/'07. &, i'd also bet that the majority of them voted for obama---i wonder if they had a vote today would they cast it for this great man of vision that never saw anything in his life.

to fix the current problems ---we need to fix big businesses---not laughing now are you but, mccain did have it right. they need tax cuts & incentives to remain solvent &, most of all, they need honest regulation to prohibit greed & corruption.

another thing, people are less likely to spend their money because obama & his crew have scared them. their immediate future has been painted so uncertain that they will hold onto whatever they do have. yet, obama & his crew want to put you deeper in debt.

&, here it is-12:17pm/est & gm has just announced the laying off of 2,000 people. didn't they get money to prevent this or do am i confused. in either caes, just give them some more so that their ceo's can continue to live the 'fat' lifestyle.

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