Wednesday, April 18, 2012


hello america!!! obama has crossed the line----see here---

&, that comes from msnbc which is pro-obama...that being said, allow me to say this....& then, you ask obama to be brutally honest about the following......

it does not matter whether you were born rich or poor however, it does matter what you do with the opportunities life presents you. what obama said is akin to saying one is born latino & the other born chinese. what matters most is what you make of yourself after being born.

well, here we go...obama has done a lot more to hurt this nation then romney. obama (working for acorn) sued banks to force them to make sub-prime loans under 'cra' which greatly helped in our economic downfall. see here---

&, obama has distanced himself from this group as if they never existed. however, that's not the worst of it, he then went on to blame pres bush for all of our economic problems & never once gave him credit for trying to avert that disaster---see here--- 

now you may try to convince me that one's earlier 'mistakes' should be forgiven &, i would agree with you providing one admits them---however, obama refuses to admit them & the pro-obama news media refuses to make his negatives front page news, thus hiding the 'truth' from you & painting him as this squeaky clean savior. that's pure BS america. you need to do your own homework & quit relying on the headlines.

&, for you females that think obama is all that---which group in the world does not give women any rights at all? answer:::the muslim brotherhood which was very recently in the whitehouse (very quietly) to meet with officials just days after obama said women should be allowed to join the augusta national golf club. & then, romney came out with this which nobody in the obama admin refutes.....their defense is that more men lost their jobs under pres bush........

&, for all of you that think the repubs are unfair because they want everyone to have a valid photo id card to vote, allow me to ask you this::::::just what in the hell can you do without that valid id card? you can't get a job; you can't cash a check; you can't get housing; you can't get public assistance; you can't get a driver's license; you can't open a public library account; you can't put items on lay away; you can't get into clubs & bars; hell, you can't even pawn crap in a pawn shop...&, you better have it or be able to get it if the police ever stop you; you can't even file your taxes without it; &, in a lot of stores, they ask for it when you use your debit or credit card...........

good people, please don't allow obama to tell you what you want to hear, judge him by what he's done or not done for the betterment of this great nation.

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