Saturday, October 12, 2019


hello america!!! can you remember certain pro-sports teams (after winning a championship) being invited to the white house by the trumpster & they refused to show up citing numerous grievances??? they claimed he was racist, abusive & every other thing they could think of to justify their refusal---most of them stuck to the theme about social injustice---HMMM???

which brings me to this---doesn't silencing your 'freedom of speech' headline our social injustice problems??? simple put, if you're not allowed to talk about the problem, who will???

this present nba spat between china & the nba is ludicrous &, believe it or not, money (& control) are at the very root of the problem---you have to know a tweet by the gm of the houston rockets (daryl morey) started this whole mess---his tweet (which was later removed) included the words 'fight for freedom, stand with hong kong' upset china to the extent that nba games over there have been put on hold & nba merchandise is in jeopardy of not being sold...

while i feel for the people of hong kong, my problem is with the nba silencing its players---everybody should know that china is a 'communist run country' & has abused its own people for eons---&, it's been reported that they hold 1 million plus muslims in 'muslim camps'---hong kong has been fighting to obtain its own dependency, however, all of that is being ignored because the nba wants the money they generate from china & has forbidden its own people from expressing their opinion about the situation...

to those sports players that expressed their support for the nfl players kneeling for the playing of our national anthem to allow themselves to be silenced about the social injustice occurring in china speaks volumes about how deeply rooted their concerns are not...

just think, we had nfl player(s) kneel for the playing of the national anthem in mexico & then stand up for the playing of the mexican national anthem---HMMM???

it's all about the benjamins & don't let anybody tell you differently---colin kaepernick sold out for an nfl settlement & his silence---& then, a nike contract---he started the nfl kneeling crap over oppression & social injustice & yet, i can only assume he's blind to the oppression & social injustice (to include nike sweat-shops) in china---HMMM??? another confusing thought is, how kapearnick could return from his visit to ghana & never speak about the oppression, social injustices & slavery that still exist there is beyond words...

in this great country, one has the RIGHT to freedom of speech & yet, when one is told to shut up by the 'powers-that-be' (& they do), one can see why we're so divided...

nba players, what's happening in china & hong kong is your business because the nba reaps financial rewards from them & hey, you work for the nba---so much for that 'i play the game because i love it'...

while you may reject visiting the white house as long as the trumpster is there, i'll bet you'll be looking for him if you were to run into difficulties in foreign countries---i'd also bet you won't even think of calling obama to aid you...