Monday, August 13, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    if you notice, obama doesn't talk about jobs anymore. it's like he's given up &, based on his dismal record, i cannot blame him. however, since it is abundantly clear he is not part of the solution, why doesn't he just step aside & ride off into the night?

while i can't blame obama for the 1,300 jobs lost at google/motorola, i do blame him for the a lack of jobs within the jobs market that these people won't get. he has to know his regulations are severely hurting the jobs market but, he seems not to care & just pushes onwards. ceo's have come forth & have put the blame for their not hiring on taxes, tax uncertainty's, regulations &, it's cheaper to outsource overseas...the following link should tell you all you need to know---

obama is stubborn & refuses to change his agenda regardless of who it hurts. if he were serious about creating jobs in the private sector, all he has to do is suspend his regulations, allow all of the bush tax cuts to be extended another year, &, provide incentives for company's to return their business's to our shores. hiring would pick up over night.

but who am i kidding? obama would rather give america food stamps then a job..........


hello america!!! i invite you to read the following article however, i especially wish to draw your attention to the fourth paragraph...

obama 'fundamentally disagrees with gov mitt romney's vision'...i happen to have something to say about that.  i've seen what obamas vision for america is &, i didn't want any part of it before he was elected &, i've come to like it even less. exactly what has he done to put our country back together? he gave a stimulus that did work as it was designed to do &, he gave us obamacare which is very contentious &, every time the CBO re-scores it, it costs us more. when he was campaigning the first time, he said we needed to address our entitlements programs & our national deficit & yet, he has done nothing about them in 3 1/2 years plus. i take that back, he has done something:::he's rejected his own 'debt commission's recommendations; he's rejected his own 'jobs councils recommendations; he's failed to get his own party to support his budgets; he's castigated rep paul ryans reform bills; he's failed to put america back to work &; he blames the repubs for our jobs problems even though he won't push to get the senate to act on 30 house passed jobs related bills sitting there...& there are some other things he's done such as, opening the door to foodstamps to include advertising in mexico; he's circumvented the law & congress by allowing illegal aliens to remain here while blaming the repubs for the failure of the 'dream acts' passage---the senate needed 60 yes votes but only got 55 so, i can only guess that the 5 dems that voted 'no' weren't part of the failure...i just cannot see where he has tried to move america 'forward'. actually, i see just the opposite with his regulations, tax uncertainty, active unionized labor support &, his willingness to do 'the same' for the next 4 years....&, then you have this...

instead of obama & company coming out & admitting that they have 'lessoned' the requirements for those on welfare to seek employment through waivers, they flat out lie that they didn't do it. hell, work release programs have programs where inmates are given time to go out & actively look for jobs & when they return to wherever they're staying, they have to turn in documented proof of their efforts or lose their work privilege & return to the main jail.

when you loosen standards, there are always those that can manipulate them. look at what happened when pres clinton lowered the standard for CRA & obama took advantage of it.....

obama can say what he wishes to about the romney/ryan ticket & their vision...just tell me where are his plans to tackle the deficit & our entitlements programs. when the repubs threatened to repeal obamacare, all the dems asked, where are their plans. obama, where are your plans???


hello america!!! remember the 'arab spring' & obamas support of it? then you can remember being told that what has happened wouldn't happen in egypt. can you remember obama being warned that the islamist would take over control? can you remember obama supporting 'regime change'? can you remember obama wanting pres hosni mubarak out? did you even know that the muslim brotherhood promised not to run for office? did you also not know that our people in charge allowed the brotherhood into the whitehouse & believed what they said?

sec of state, hilary clinton said everything was okay as long as the brotherhood respected the rights of it people & the rights of women---i'll never know why they separated those two---

anyway, i said all that to say appears that the brotherhood has decided to 'stretch' their muscles & are reverting to true form---see here---

how many people have to tell you that you're making a mistake before you believe them? well, obama & company have made a very big mistake with egypt as they have with their 'arab policy's' however, no matter what, they won't apologize for it.

here's a pop quiz for you: is the world safer now that the muslim brotherhood is in control of egypt? thank you obama, do you have any more 'goodies' for us??????????


hello america!!! i blogged about this when it first hit the airways & it seems to be as true as anything else out there...

while the media claims papa john's is the first to go public about the costs, you just have to believe that other business's have already applied the extra costs & passed it on to you & me---they just didn't publicize it.

with mcdonald's admitting what it may costs them, is there any doubt that the dollar menu is doomed. well, don't get upset yet, there's burger king, kfc, churches, popeye's, pizza hut &, domino's just to name a few. assuming that they all opt in for obamacare, the extra costs will be passed on to us. these big company's may be able to juggle their prices so as not to feel the hit however, there are smaller company's that are going to be forced out of the business.

so yes, obamacare will cost you more no matter how you slice it & hey, the good news is, i only mentioned the above food company's----what happens when you add in all the other company's & services that pass the cost on to us?

you may like obamacare but, it's going to cost you more then ever came out in any of the debates. &, no matter what people tell some of you, you just don't believe it will have an effect on you personally &, you are so wrong. for a prime example, let me ask you diehard obamacare believers this:::what happens when the costs of gasoline go up? this is what happens; we feel it at the pump when we fill up & then, when we go to our grocery stores, we feel it again. & yes, we complain because what was $1.99 last week is now closer to $3.00 &, we know this, the prices seem to go up overnight & it takes forever for them to come down. take it from 'knowitall', healthcare costs are going up---have been for some time---&, once obamacare is fully implemented, you're going to pay that cost & all the other extra costs related to it.

yeah, i know, i'm just piling 'crap' on obama that he doesn't deserve...well, when your utility company's have to pay that extra cost, do you really think they are going to swallow it? & that extends to your cable company's, phone company's & the list is endless. company's are in business to make money &, when the gov't takes more from them (for any reason) they take more from us. do you mean to even try & tell me that the yellow cab company in ny will keep it's fares at their current level when the gov't requires them to pay more?

as it stands right now, company's with 50 or more employees will have to pay more, so be prepared to pay more for everything...that said, i'm just so glad none of the above will affect the middle class or those less unfortunate because obama wouldn't put something into law that will cost you more....& besides, you're doing  "just fine". &, i just can't wait to see how much the walmarts & kmarts pass on to us.

hey, what do i know/ i know this, obamacare is scheduled to be fully implement by 2014...did you ever ask yourself, why did they have to wait that long? because the rising costs would have made you very negative going into novembers elections &, if obama is re-elected, he will not have to face the voters again & when the extra costs hit your wallet, you'll have to wait until 2016 to do something about it...

anyway you slice it, obama lied when he said he wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class. when the costs go up, the taxes on the goods & services go up...but, what do i know? i know that most of us are trying to hold on to every penny we can. middle class & those less fortunate drive all of the above company's & without us, kfc, walmart, etc would fall overnight...


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    there's an article about 300 plus layoffs in philadelphia from their housing authority &, philly is right down the street from here.

on another front, no obama admin department seems to be above scandals. one would think that obama would have clamped down on his admin in the very beginning, starting with that couple that crashed his dinner party. yes, other admins have had their fair share of problems however, obamas doesn't seem to have control over any of them or their behavior. again, we have the department of homeland security in the news for all the wrong reasons...see here...

& here...

although neither assertion has been proved in court, i can only imagine that there will be a hefty payoff & sudden promotion for both individuals or, if they can flat out prove what they claim, they will wait take their chances with the courts. in either event, control over the scandalized departments shows that there is a lack of severely needed leadership...that has to fall on obamas shoulders alone &, he also has to accept the responsibility for their actions....

again i say, all admins have been plagued by scandals however, obamas just seems to have them in every department & there doesn't seem to be any stopping them. while these scandals may not be of the same importance as our national debt or unemployment issues, they are a reflection of the lack of leadership that obama displays &, that lack of leadership is evident in the way obama attempts to govern &, good people, it's failing us on all fronts.

this may seem petty however, if obama can blame gov romney for what happened with bain capital after he left the firm, how can obama not be blamed while the scandals are occurring on his watch???