Wednesday, May 28, 2014


hello america!!! obama can say what he wishes to &, some of his party will echo whatever he says, however, the problems with the veterans affairs have been ongoing for far too long &, the really sorry part about it all is, obama knew it back in 2008/2009 &, he even gave a speech...CLICK HERE &, go down to the 43rd paragraph &, remember, this was way back there aug 17, 2009.........

instead of telling the west point cadets that he's setting up a counter-terrorism partnership to the tune of $5 billion, he should have spent that time apologizing to them & everybody else that ever served our country for failing them by not ensuring they had 'prompt', 'state-of-the-art' healthcare when they needed addition to that, he should have publicly asked for the resignation of va secretary, (eric shinseki) effective immediately but, that seems to be below him....

read this & you'll know that those va rumors are very real...VA's IG REPORT &, as a veteran, it sucks. it is not a dem or repub problem, it is an american problem & needs to be corrected immediately, regardless of the spin or mid-term elections.........

read this...obamas transcript ...&, please tell me, what in the hell does it have to do with the va problems...he's talking to our future armed forces officers & he can't even tell them that he's going to devote his full attention to fixing the va problems...the flip-side of this is, if these future officer's perform their duties similar to the manner obama is treating the va problems, they'll be court marshaled for neglect of duty...........

obama is the perfect example of why we need somebody in that office that has served albeit national guard...


hello america!!! if i ever have the chance to ask obama & hilary about the arab spring, i'd probably get locked up for my comments about their complete foreign policy failures...both of them heralded the uprisings as a great thing &, obamas narrative about having al qaeda on the run came back to bite both of them with the senseless murders of 4 americans in benghazi...well, that was then & this is right now...CLICK HERE...

i don't make this stuff up so, check this out...HERE...

now, you all know that obama is always saying that the repubs have declared 'war' on women &, if that's the case & he's as serious as he wants one to believe he is, why hasn't he ever condemned the countries that don't allow women to have any rights??? THERE'S THIS & right behind that, you have..THIS...

plus, you must have heard about all the other arab controlled countries (that deny women their rights & treat them more like cattle than humans) that obama & company are still claiming as our friends...

the only thing worse then a hypocrite is a hypocrite that's in control...