Wednesday, July 16, 2014


hello america!!! for those wondering why (& how) our country has fallen so low, all one has to do is look to all of the people that voted for the false promise of 'hope & change'. obamas campaign was very infectious, however, we are paying the price for all of those that voted with their hearts &/or voted based on skin color---& hell no!!! there's not a one of them that can say they voted for him based on his record---he didn't have one...

just look around our great country & you'll find high unemployment; low-paying jobs; too many 30 hour jobs &/or part-time jobs; rapidly increasing welfare & food stamp rolls; higher prices for both essentials & non-essentials; an out-of-control national debt; a corrupt & dismissive executive branch of gov't; a nation split by race, gender & financial earnings; a gov't pointing fingers outwardly; a nation forced to accept obamacare; &, a nation in dire search of a 'true leader'...

yes, i could add to that list all day but i won't bore you today---allow me to sum it up this way:::::::::our ag, william holder is investigating a float that carried a caricature of what may have been obama but, the doj won't investigate the irs scandals & missing hard-drives...