Monday, June 4, 2012


hello america!!! so, obamas back to 'working' for the female vote...

well, let's look at some facts:::::this comes from WIKIPEDIA.....

The House of Represen­tatives approved the bill in January 2009.[2] The United States Senate failed to move the bill forward in November 2010.[3] President Barack Obama said in March 2011 that he will continue to fight for the goals in the Paycheck Fairness Act.[4] The bill was reintroduced in both houses of Congress in April 2011.[5]

obama & the dems had total control of washington & the bill failed (yeah i know, it was pres bush's & those damn repubs fault)...

then you have this.......

& this..........which was kept pretty quiet...women should just be tickled pink about the muslim brotherhood...
i had many sites to choose from & i like this one the best...

as usual, obamas rhetoric is the opposite from his actions. if the female issue were as big a deal to obama as he would like the american women think, he should have been out there every day shouting for it---just like he did his stimulus & obamacare---but know, he needs that female vote & he's going to make a big issue out of it.


hello america!!! this is what happens when we support 'regime changes' without knowing all the facts...
obama wanted gadhafi out without fully knowing who or what was replacing him...well, he got his, what's the next move?

in egypt, we wanted mubarak (who in his own way was an ally) gone---we got our, what's the next move? oh, that's right, we set the country up for the 'muslim brotherhood' who recently, & very quietly, visited our very own whitehouse---where was the media on this story? where are the women groups on this story? after all, under 'sharia law' they have all those rights, right? where's mr 'fairness' himself, obama, on allowing them to even enter the whitehouse grounds?

pakistan hosted bin laden, cut our troop supply routes, hides terrorists, kept our crashed stealth helicopter &, imprisoned the good doctor that led us to bin laden...yep, they have to be our number one fan---oh, i almost forgot, they will reopen the supply routes but will charge us $5,000 per container---here---

afghanistan & iraq are lost causes, lost time, lost money & unfortunately, lost american lives...neither country will become totally free or self-sustaining. &, we have our drones in yemen.......

everywhere i look, i see problems & i didn't even get to that little country called israel

obama, you are so quick to talk about the rights of foreigner's but, what about the chinese people's rights???

good people, if you know exactly what our foreign policy is, you're one up on obama......


hello america!!! our we really safer then we were 3 1/2 years ago? i think not. yes, bin laden is dead & yes, drone planes are killing the enemy & yes, our unfinishable (like that word?) military business in afghanistan & iraq is winding down & yes, we haven't been attacked within our borders---however---obama is not as strong as he would like you to think &, if you give me a minute, i'll prove it..........

way back in 2009, north korea threatened to test a missile (& did) &, i'll never forget these exact words of obama, "our words must mean more then words" in reference to our warnings to that country. i was proud because i thought obama was going to show he had a 'spine' because this was the man that was going to invite our enemy's to the dinner table & work out our differences---however, my pride was short-lived...looking back 3 years ago to now, all obama has done is talk. he instills no fear in north korea &, sanction after sanction has not worked. somebody should tell obama that sanctions only hurt the people of the country, not the gov't plus, they have the backing of china & russia.

look at what all north korea has done since obama uttered those words & you'll see that obamas words don't mean crap...&, here's north korea in the news again.......

then you have iran...they deliberately defy obama & they have the backing of russia. sanctions are not hurting them &, they are determined to make a nuke weapon at all costs...

russia & china have been building up their military (china is working on an aircraft carrier bomb) &, obama was caught telling a russian diplomat for him to tell putin that he would have more 'flexibility' on the missile defense plans after his the way, putin just stood him up at camp's putin's response to 'flexibility'...

who can forget how long it took obama to agree to the surge & still didn't send as many troops as the generals on the ground requested. if he's not going to listen to those on the ground, we are really doomed...also look at long it took him to get 'involved' in libya & all those lives lost because he hesitated...&, we are involved in yemen &, we have to have people on the ground there no matter what is said. pakistan has proven to be our enemy. &, now we have syria...,7340,L-4237965,00.html

plus, obama is allowing our 'secrets' to be 'leaked' to the press. instead of him 'bragging' about bin laden's death, he should be demanding that congress find  out who in his admin is running their mouth. & while drones may keep our casualties down, by killing our enemy, we lose the ability to get the info we need from the dead.

obama is weak---this should never have been leaked (even though i love the idea of it) until after it was proven in 'battle'.....
&, china is also building an aircraft carrier for combat.....just so you know.....


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation....................

color me stupid but, here we go again with this voter registration crap. i just cannot understand what the problem is...the feds could make it very simple by making everybody that votes provide some form of acceptable id when they go to the ballet box. instead, they allow the states to govern themselves &, when the certain states try to get their their registration rolls in order, the feds come in & stop them. by the way, those certain states are always the ones with the highest amount of  'illegal aliens'---just saying.

yesterday (sunday), foxnews had a segment about voter registration & the host had two black females debating the issue. one for id cards & one against them. the female against it said requiring blacks & latino's to obtain id cards would create a hardship on them...i just don't understand this argument nor do i understand why it's only blacks & latino's that will incur this hardship...knowing that all of america is not compacted like the city's of allentown pa or brooklyn ny, i still say, everybody should have to be able to prove who they are no matter where they live. 

instead of the feds interfering they, above everyone else, should be assisting those people in the 'hardship' areas to obtain acceptable id. if they are expected to travel a 100 miles to vote, what's so hard about them traveling that same 100 miles to get their proper id? so no, that argument needs to stop. 

how can you live productively in the united states & not have some form of valid id? how can our fed gov't decide who should & shouldn't have to prove who they are? if it's a matter of money, there are agency's that can help people get that id...if it's a matter of distance, it's like this::::if you can get there to vote, you can get there to get your's the latest on the feds stopping florida.......

good people, what can you do legally without valid id?