Monday, June 18, 2012


hello america!!! the following is my letter to obama & please, feel free to forward it to him.

obama, in your blaming pres bush for our economic problems, i have failed to see where you acknowledge your devious hand in our downfall. surely you didn't forget your part as a lawyer for acorn when you sued citibank to force it to make sub-prime loans under the guise of CRA? &, i hope you didn't forget your training the Acorn troops to demonstrate in front of various banks forcing them to also make those sub-prime loans---well if you did, please click on the three links i've provided to refresh your memory.........

i am surprised that you could not be upfront with the american people about your role in our collapse. i mean, you know what you did, you know who you did it with &, you know why you did it...why have you not admitted it? of course, pres clinton had a very big hand in 'softening' CRA.

you continue to say that you 'inherited' this mess (that you helped create) from pres bush however, you can't even be honest with the american people about that. pres bush was a man ahead of his time & he had the foresight to try & get our financial markets in order. had congress listened to him, we may have been able to avoid our collapse. however, you won't even give him the credit for that so, i'm going to pull a little piece of paper from the very same vault that your papers will be saved to &, i hope for once, you can be honest & give pres bush his props.....please click on the following link that i'm positive you don't want others to see...

as you already know, congress just wouldn't listen to pres bush &, your boys, barney frank, chris dodd & harry reid had a lot to do with, them & i know that if congress had of taken pres bush seriously (starting in 2001) & placed stronger regulatory measures on both fannie mae & freddie mac, we would not be discussing your failed 'stimulus' today...

&, while you're denigrating pres bush, please take a look at this link & know that (even with re-election) you'll never equal his record of 52 months of uninterrupted job growth due.......

obama, the next time you're in front of the cameras please, do the right thing: give pres bush his props & admit your involvement in our downfall.


hello america!!! here are some videos of obama that you may have forgotten......
this is obama talking about his stimulus::::    

key phrases are: most of the money will get out the door immediately: right now; we need to create jobs to get money into people's pockets right now; ahead of schedule & under budget; working exactly as we had anticipated; & then he changed it to this; as i made clear when it was passed, it was not designed to work in four months.

on jan 10, 2009 in his radio address, obama promised that 90% of the stimulus jobs would be created in the private sector & the remaining 10% in the public sector, i.e; teacher's, firemen &, policemen....well, you see how that worked out.....the private sector (non-union) took the brunt of the unemployment flood & it is continuing today. however, we lost jobs in the public sector as well & that also continues today....

in short, obamas stimulus did not do what it was designed to do & that is why he is now campaigning around the country talking about everything but his stimulus & our economy. under obama, we are still down 550,000 jobs plus with more unemployment coming daily. in fact, our unemployment rate ticked up to 8.2% for the month of may & may continue to climb.

based on the video & remembering obama campaigning for his stimulus 3 1/2 years ago--seeing what little it did/is doing/will do--i am at a loss as to why he would ever say he needs four more years for it to work. & i hope you didn't forget this?????????    what a difference in rhetoric---'change' has 'changed'. perhaps it could be best put this way:::::if i borrow a sum of money from you on monday & promise to pay it back on friday, when friday gets here, would you accept me saying that i didn't mean this friday, or next friday??? yeah, that's what i thought so i ask, why allow yourselves & children to get short-changed again???

obama is already promising you four more years of the same---'green jobs' investments; 'more teacher's, firemen &, policemen', more 'infrastructure jobs' (yeah, by the way, how did you all make out with those jobs)---at the same time, he's making it harder for you to stay on unemployment compensation. just keep on paying attention to the headlines & you'll continue to miss a little amendment he signed into law in february when he signed the unemployment benefits extension.....true facts......