Wednesday, September 5, 2012


hello america!!! now, while you may get caught up in the obama & company rhetoric, i hope you're smart enough to see through the, let's get to it........

how can obama & company tell these people that he deserves 4 more years???

obama & company want 4 more years to give us more of their failures...i don't make this stuff up..................

there just isn't any immediate hope for our future under obama...

no matter where you look, the news is always dismal...

good people, please bear in mind that, while you may be better off then you were 4 years ago, the majority of this country is not...true numbers don't lie.


hello america!!! obama & company will spin the jobs numbers in their favor however, let's keep it real...if you become a ceo of a company, your production or non production is counted from day 1...obama can't be in office for 1 year & not be credited with what all occurs during that year. that's pure BS.

in sports, all coaches/managers are judged by their win/loss record & it starts from game one; &, we even have coaches/managers that get hired mid-season & they have to accept whatever the teams record was & ends up being.

why is obama any different? he has to accept the jobs gained or lost from his first day on the job. it is just asinine to allow him to only start counting jobs in his second year.

hell, obama himself has judged pres bush & gov romney jobs records from their first day in office to their last day in office...why should it be any different for obama.


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...    the future looks very bleak & obama has no clue as to how to really help our economy or pay down our national debt which is $16 trillion & growing.

i watched the dems convention last night &, instead of putting forth their ideas, most of the time was spent attacking the romney/ryan ticket. for so many people supporting obama, why weren't they touting his achievements?

good people, you heard it yourselves from michelle obama that obama needs more time to see his 'change' through. i have a very big problem with that::::so, let's leave the spin out & we can talk facts........
1.....obama said he would cut the deficit in 1/2 by the end of his 1st term
       fact...obama has added 5 1/2 trillion dollars to the deficit in only 3 years, 8 months
2.....obama said he would close gitmo
       fact...obama has built a $750,000 soccer field for the gitmo detainees at your expense
3.....obama said he would run an open & honest gov't
       fact...obamas entire admin has been rocked by provable scandals
4.....obama said his admin would be transparent
       fact...obamas stimulus, obamacare & other bills have been decided behind closed doors
5.....obama said lobbyists would not find employment with him
       fact...obama appointed 17 lobbyists in his 1st 14 days & has steadily hired more
6.....obama said he would change how business is conducted in washington
       fact...obama has failed to reach across the isle effectively nor has he met the other side half 
7.....obama said he would reform immigration within his first term
       fact...passage of the 'dream act' was defeated in the senate by 5 dem votes
8.....obama said he would unite america
       fact...obama has deliberately divided america sexually, religiously, financially & ethically 
9.....obama said he would put on a soft pair of shoes & march with union strikers
       fact...obama has deliberately stayed away from union marches
10...obama said we need to address our entitlements programs
       fact...obama has failed to do this & has attacked those that have made an attempt to do so
11...obama said he would not raise taxes on the middle class
       fact...obama raised taxes on all american tobacco users to pay for chips
12...obama said the rich do not pay their fair share
       fact...the top 20% of all 'wage earners' pay the vast amount of taxes while about 48% pay 
                nothing at all & many of them get a tax refund
13...obama said pres bush is the cause of our economic problems
       fact...another obama lie...http://georgewbush-
14...obama said gov romney outsourced jobs
       fact...another obama lie...

look, either you're stupid or you're very stupid if you believe obama has the know-how to put america back to work...$16 trillion deficit & growing by the minute; unemployment at 8.3% (the real number is closer to 16%); 700,000 plus women now out of work then when obama took office; 46-48 million americans on food stamps; record numbers of americans signing up for SSD rather then work; 23-24 millions out of work or under paid; more massive layoffs slated into next year; vast number of homes still scheduled for foreclosure; american business's going overseas because of obamas regulations, etc; banks aren't lending because of tighter obama regulations; 92% of all jobs lost under obama have been women; obamas female staffers paid less then their male counterparts; latino's unemployed/12%; black americans unemployed/16%; gas at the pumps has doubled under obama; investments in green job technology & green jobs failed...

look, i could go on & on & on however, at the end of the day, obama did not get it done; is not getting it done; &, will not get it done. even if obama raised the taxes on the rich, the money received would only pay for just 1 day---we still have 364 days left. i really don't like calling people names but hey, you stupid people answer this: where in the hell did obama ever say his stimulus was designed to just slow the loss the jobs downs? his stimulus was designed to stop the loss of jobs & set us on a better path. 90% of the jobs created under the stimulus was supposed to go to the private sector---it never happened. obamacare was supposed to create millions of more jobs however, if you're not getting hired by the IRS, forget about it.

okay, you say you're not stupid or very stupid...good...glad we cleared that up. so, if you're black you're voting for obama because of his (failed) promises & skin color. hell, he doesn't even mention 'BLACK' in any of his public speeches & he's done nothing for you except give you food stamps. i'd say that makes you super stupid....if you're not a teacher, firemen, policemen or, somebody working on those infrastructure jobs that have a 15 white to 1 black rate, obamas not for you...hell, if you feel that way, why not join forces & let the DC sniper's become your daycare workers???????????

as for you latino's that support obama---google the senate 'dream act' vote & then tell me how the repubs screwed you. obama straight up lied to you & you accepted it...5 dems voted against the bill & that's the only reason it failed &, just in case you missed all your math classes, the bill needed 60 votes to pass & only got 55 for it...those 5 dem votes were why it failed.......

in reality, obama has done nothing to deserve 4 more years........