Wednesday, April 4, 2018


hello america!!! on a thursday (2/15/18-4:54am/est) i posted in reference to the senseless homicides that i'm following in just 6 of our communities---CLICK HERE...

here it is 48 days later (thursday-4/4/18) & the total number of homicides have increased substantially &, extremely quietly---unless i missed the media coverage of an event that never occurred, there was no 'march for our lives'; no 'black lives matter' march; no 'women's march'; no 'anti-nra march'; no 'gun-ban march'; & seemingly, no other march to protest the lives of those taken from us far too soon which should have everyone of you complaining to your elected leaders as to why these killings are allowed to continue---& hey, no matter what they tell you, things in the world of senseless violence are not getting better---hell, i'll even go one better & say they're not even under control...

look, true math doesn't lie---when i posted 2/15, there were 176 total homicides/92 of them black/37 of them hispanic/23 of them female/cops killed at least 5 people... 

today, for those 6 communities i've been following, the new numbers (YTD) are...

394 total homicides/210 of them black/99 of them hispanic/49 of them female/cops killed at least 10 people...

good people, we bitch & moan among ourselves whenever this senseless violence impacts us on a personal level & that's about all we do---yeah, some flowers/a picture of the victim 's'/& a cross at the scene of the killing;;;prayers up on the social outlets;;;a little piece in the local newspaper;;;some conversation at the bars & barber-shop & hey, that's it until the next one...

in truth, no matter who you are, or where you are, or what you're doing, nobody is above being caught up in this crap & hey, the frustrating part of all of this is, it actually seems to be allowed to occur---the cops can only do so much & they're never on the spot when we need them the most---i don't care how you feel about the cops but, if there's going to be shooting around me, i want the cops there before the first bullet is fired---i have much more faith in them than i do my fellow-man...

america, ALL LIVES MATTER & we all need to realize that & send that message to our politicians (at all levels) &, for you people of color, you need to rethink who you're casting your ballot for because the dems don't give a crap about you, your community or what goes on within them until it's election time---for those of you that say the dems have nothing to do with it, 1---look at which party has controlled your community & for how; 2-where is the media coverage on those 394 homicides---as long as we're killing one another, the dems are content to allow it to occur---but, why believe me, just look at the media coverage when a cop kills a person of color (justified or not) & hey, they have the feds, state police & local cops pouring all over the areas whenever a mass-shooting occurs---hell look at the media coverage & police presence for the 'youtube shooting'---are you going to tell me that that type of response to a shooting can't happen in a communities??? i'm of the mind that the authorities don't want that type of response...

if our so-called elected leaders would call out our national guard to assist the police in some of our very violent communities, i'd wager you that the homicide rate would drastically drop over-night...

as is, the homicide numbers are going to increase & hey, warm weather is just around the corner which means more people will be outside &, in far too many of our communities, outside with nothing to do but get in trouble...