Tuesday, March 10, 2009


hello america! i've said this numerous times before & i have to say it again...in order to fix the education problem, you have to fix the surrounding school area &, the atmosphere within the school.

building a new school or fixing an old one up looks good on paper. pouring money into the schools looks good. paying teachers more money looks good. but that's all it does:::looks good. it doesn't even begin to address the main problem. in fact, it's like putting a fresh coat of paint on rotted wood-it may look good & even smell good but, you still have the problem of the rotted wood.

obama is not in touch with reality if he thinks that spending money on our school systems will improve the quality of education. what's so sad about this is, he was a community organizer & should know first-hand what many of the students have to go through just to get to school. he was an elected official for illinios & he has to know about the problems facing the students in the cabrini-green projects &, co-op city in the bronx, ny &, all the other areas affected with drugs, gangs &, violence.

drugs, gangs &, violence is not limited to the school area, it exists within our schools. i live in allentown, pa &, we have police stationed within allen high school---that's how bad it is. too many schools have police stationed within them or they've hired their own security companies to patrol the hallways & grounds.

the other problem is parent involvement. todays parents are forced to work & can't get as involved as they would like. i've actually heard parents say things like they worked all day, have to get the baby from the baby-sitter, go home & make dinner &, they just don't have the time. i'm sure you know of somebody that's gone through this. parent involvement is critical to improving the quality of education.

obama, if you really want to improve the quality of education in this country, you should start by fixing the problems that i've listed above. when you do that, the teachers will be able to have a lot less to worry about & can regain their pride in teaching.


hello america! somebody help me out on this. the 410 billion dollar bill is only going to cover us until october? &, it doesn't provide for the veterans, the armed forces or defense? &, in october, or very shortly thereafter, they have to come up with another bill for the next fiscal year?

then i'm hearing this crap about this being last years business but bush wouldn't have signed it so, the democrats are trying to rush it through now. well, we already know that obama will sign it, if it passes the senate. &, the dems & repubs are debating the spending in it &, if that spending should be done at this time.

i know we've all been hearing how the bush era was so pathetic but, i have a few questions no one wants to answer. if the dems, who seem to think they can spend their way out of this mess, were so blameless during the bush era, can anybody please tell me what they did or didn't do for the greater good of this country?

the dems & a lot of the repubs lay the blame for this economic mess on bush &, i've put up proof on this blogsite as to why bush is not the blame. so, tell me, what did the dems do in their eight years under bush? i'm listening. the dems were in the minority the first 6 years of the bush era & finally gained the majority in his last 2---&, i'm still waiting for you to tell me what they did for us.

say what you will of bush but, if he had not of been there, we would be a lot deeper in debt then we presently are.


hello america! finally, some good news & our government had nothing to do with it although i'm sure obama will take credit for it. apparently, citigroup/bank made a profit, posted it, &, the stock market is reacting favorably to it with a plus 273.75 as of 11:33am/est & climbing.

if we would keep the government out of this mess, it would sort itself out that much faster. but, somewhere, one of our elected officials is going to open their mouth & say something stupid & the market will fall again.

obama, take notes & let the private sector take care of itself because you & your admin don't know how.


hello america! common sense says:::

that if the banks aren't lending, you find a way to enable them to lend & obama, your plans don't help them.

if homes are being foreclosed on, you find a way to stop the foreclosures & obama, your plans don't help them.

if the auto industry can't sell their products, you let them file bankruptcy & start all over & obama, your plans don't help them.

if companies are laying off employees by the hundreds, you find a way to allow those companies to retain those workers & obama, your plans don't help them.

if the public sector isn't spending money, you find a way to stimulate them to do so & obama, your plans don't help them.

obama, you talk a great game but, actions will always speak louder then words &, your actions up to this point are at best, a little sigh. man up & do the right thing for this great nation...


hello america! i don't need a year to judge what obama has or hasn't done for my country. he's been on tv & running all over the country spewing his rhetoric---&, the bottom line is, nothing has been done. there's been a lot of posturing & pointing the finger but, obama has not solved one single problem nor has he put into place anything to stop the bleeding in the future. & yet, there are those obama supporters that think everything he touches turns to gold.

well, i'm here to bust their bubble & this is why:::::

1.....jobs are still being lost
2.....banks still aren't lending
3.....homes are still being foreclosed on
4.....bailouts are still being doled out without positive results
5.....the stock market continues to tank
6.....congress is still divided with those that really care & those that want to spend your money
7.....banks are still being closed from failure
8.....jobs have not been created
9.....'earmarks/pork projects' still abound in the bills sent to obama
10...obama continues to lie to us
11...cobra is a joke
12...transparency is not transparent
13...high ethical & morale standards are not non-existent in the obama administration
14...the agencies in washington that don't work are still there
15...government has been expanded
16...small businesses are still hurting with no help in sight
17...middle-class america will have to foot the bill
18...all the various charities that we need are really hurting
19...obama will create more jobs overseas then here in the states
20..12 million plus illegal aliens to become citizens (to protect obamas aunt)
21...this great nation continues to have a serious homeless problem
22...obama still does not reach across the isle-i've said it before. he needs to sit down with the
majority & minority leaders of both the house & senate (with cameras present) & tell them
what he needs; what he wants; what he doesn't want; what he doesn't need; what he
expects &, that both parties must work togeher.

if you want more reasons, i can list them for you but, i thought 21 would get you to thinking. however, i do want you to think of the following::::::

1.....why should you have to pay for overseas abortions?
2.....if you live in new york, should you have to pay for a high speed rail service from las vegas to
los angelos?
3.....if you live in one state, should you have to pay for another state to clean up pig smells?
4.....should you have to pay another state money because they mismanaged their money by
building a ballfield or stadium?
5.....should you have to pay for joe bidens trip to the afl-cio bash & then they won't even tell
you why?

america, i could go on & on &, you know it. if obama were as serious as he wants you to think he is, he could have done something to stop the bleeding immediately. instead, he wants to sneakily raise the federal tax on cigarettes by .62 (cents) per pack. i can afford it but, when you think of all those that can't & bought 'rollies' &, you see what all he's charging them, you'll know this man is not for us. & all this crap from a man that won't leave home without his tele-prompters. my people, if nothing else gets to you, that should.

how can i trust the president of my great country if he doesn't even trust himself speaking to me without his words being written down where he can see them. &, another thing is, because of his tele-prompters, he can't look you in the eye.